48 thoughts on “Older Wiser Sexier

  1. As I enter my late-50s, I am pleased to find that my taste in men has aged with me.

    In my teens and early 20s, I recall that twinks and younger men were my thing. In my later 20s and 30s and working out at the gym, I was mostly attracted to fit, muscular guys. As middle-age came on, my attention turned to more mature men, daddies and bears. And now I find that my attractions are continuing to evolve towards men who are older again.

    When I was younger, I would snub any advances from an older man: I wasn’t young, fit and working out for some old guy to touch me up! Now I am attracted to grey hair, a receding hairline or balding head. Now I am turned on by the fuller belly, hairy chest and flabby pecs. Now I get hard at the prospect of sex with older and more experienced men, who’ve learnt a trick or two over the years!

    With greater maturity, I realise that ageing is to be welcomed, with the widening and deepening of the sexual pleasures that it brings.

    1. Hey,
      Oh my what a handsome distraction. I am visualizing finding you like that what will be my first reaction…

  2. Sharing your body… I have such a crave of giving pleasure, just the sense of the glans engorging right before the eruption…
    Makes me drip intensely.

  3. All I know, is the older I’ve become (now 77), the more I love to display who I am, what I am made of an d the less it matters who sees and what they might think…

    1. I am working and I have to admit that I have your image deep in my thoughts…
      Such a gorgeous Cock…

  4. When I lived in North London there was a brick toilet block which was very well frequented. This was an area with a very large Jewish population. This Sunday I went along to the toilet which had a long urinal and two cubicles, one of the cubicles was occupied. Did not have to wait long and the door creaked open. There was a typical Hasidic guy with their dark coats and suits. He stood there with the most enormously thick long dick ….erect….it was absolutely massive!!!! I went to touch it but he made it obvious that he just wanted to jerk off. With both hands round its girth he slowly moved them up and down the long shaft with these bull like balls hanging there, swinging as he got faster. Facing me he let out a gasp as stream after stream of cumm shot across the floor between us. The floor was wet with it….he gave me a smile…said sorry that I had not got his cumm. With a bit of effort he pushed his still massive dick into his trousers, nodded and left.
    That toilet saw a lot of action, a lot of big dick and loads of fucking….it was open 24 hours a day and I had many a fuck in there!

    Again my friends that was a true story. That toilet has now been converted into an opticians.

    1. AJ thanks for your reply.
      Yes I probably have been a slut in my younger days…but when your horny and in London so many men hunting for dick well you take your chances when they turn up.
      As I said I lived a long time in North London during the 80s and 90s there were soooo many toilets and cruising grounds. Especially Hampstead Heath. Our local was the William IV and you could guarantee that most of the guys drinking there would end up on the Heath once the pub was shut. If you could brave the weather or the threat of a police raid on the Heath it was a fantastic place to get fucked. Black white Asian you name it they were there. Not all black men were as hung as young can imagine but god they knew how to use their dicks and no pulling out! Plus there were so many bushes and hidden areas along with the Yumyum tree where most of the group orgies happened! A friend of mine hooked up with a very well built guy and they had a very pleasant session with the guy off loading deep inside my mate….now this guy was naked and when he went to get his clothes my mate said it was the full police uniform…Yep a panda car up in the car park area. He never met him again.
      There was also a park further North which had a very large toilet block. I had been cycling home when I needed to use the loo. I notice a young guy following me…so I did not want him to find out where I lived to continued up to this park. He followed me into the loo. I was at the urinals and he went into a cubicle, when I turned round there he was with his trouser round his ankles with the most enormous erection. Well I could not let that go to waste and dropped to my knees. Choking on the length he turned me round an proceeded to push this monster into my ass. Thrusting painfully it was obvious that he was a guy that took a long time to cumm and I did not have all day. So I stepped back to look at this monster dick bobbing up and down. Said to the young guy thanks but I need to let my ass heal and left him to jerk off.

      That my friend is a real real story…I must have been in my late twenties and he could only have been about 17 or 18…a very lucky young guy.

    2. Dear Dick Voyuer,
      I can’t thank you again enough for another thrilling account of your slutty adventures as a horny, North London youth. I’ve told you this before, these anecdotes are too sexy and too well written not to be collected and published as a book, or a series of them: “Toilet Blockbusters,” “Secrets of the Heath” …. But whatever you do, don’t stop sharing them with your brothers on this site! Maybe Mr. Cox could find you an illustrator and you could write an illustrated anecdote a week for the HaPenis Project as “Dick Hunter”!

  5. Older, Wiser and Sexier how true is that. Another year older and I think at 66 I still look pretty good.
    I’m attracted to mature men who know what they want and are not afraid to ask

  6. I could not agree with this sentiment more! I, myself, usually find my self drawn to older men, and in a way that is unspeakably irresistible. I have, though, experienced older men who were self-deprecating because of their age, or impressed by my attraction to them because of how they perceive my looks. We ALL have our insecurities about something of ourselves, somewhere; no one is exempt. I say to you now, be fully who you are and wear your experience proudly because I assure you there are others, such as myself, who are just hopeful of that moment of eye contact, the nod or smile, to know that we have just as much of a chance to be mesmerized as you. 😉

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