As nights extend and the air turns cool, allow your mind, body, and spirit to be replenished, embracing pleasures that resonate with your deepest HaPenis. Arouse your curiosity by clicking November’s Art that speaks to you most. Each click unveils a unique sequence of images exclusively for you. Unveil, explore, and savor the HaPenis awaiting you.”

More KnoBledge
One of my “homemade” pieces…
Love erotic Art and wanted to send a recent self portrait glory hole Art/Digital take.
And am a Artist digital and hand drawn talent looking to do more erotic Art.
What a feast for my eyes and my fantasy! Thank you! We all spend, and want to spend, a lot of time looking at magnificent erections. I’m blown away by the beauty of penises of all sizes in repose in these paintings and photographs.
so much of it appeals!
Male bodies have so much scope for representation in art, but are rarely seen imo.
It can be purely a classical nude or sculpture, showing the form, or onwards through erotic imagery to full on porn which can sometimes be seen as artistic, showing the power and purpose of the body
IF only I were in any way artistically gifted 🙂