A man is not determined by the size of his Penis, Testicles or Scrotum; It is that he is male and the size of cock and balls. I don’t know many men who don’t want a bigger Dick. I am a Professional Artist and Actor. Nudity is a good thing. At the University of Washington, at the Art School, I had only Nude Models to draw and Paint. Most of the models were female. We only had two Nude men. I love to draw and paint nudes. I like painting and drawing Nude Men. Michael Simonds
Related KnoBledge

“Contemporary photographers and artists increasingly explore the beauty of bodies at all stages of life, including older individuals.” Seb, if I can just add a further comment. It should not just be a question of “exploring the beauty of bodies at all stages of life, including older individuals.” HaPenis does…

Historically, there has always been a preference for youthful bodies in male nude photography, driven by societal beauty standards and cultural ideals of the time. Younger models were often featured to align with these expectations, as youth was linked to beauty and perfection. However, some artists and photographers did challenge…

Explore the captivating realm of Black and white male nude photography elevated to the status of fine art. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the male form through this thoughtfully curated collection of Male Nude Photographs. In this exploration of HaPenis, the images transcend mere representation, aiming to evoke a…
I am a Mature Nude Model from South Wales in the UK and have been modellinh nude for 13 years, starting at the age of 70! I am now 83 and still posing naked for Life Drawing Classes, Photographers and Hen Parties. I have also done two 3D Imaging Shoots, one for Scott Eaton at Pinewood Studios and one for Anatomy360 in Sheffield! I would love to do more erotic stuff!
Bruce Barker you look amazing, hope you post more from your portfolio. Have you a profile on the web?
A beautiful photo!!!
At the art school only two nude men agreed to pose ? I think the opposite would occur, more men willing to pose than women.
Daddy Dave…Simply the BEST
It would be wonderful to make drawings your nudes… and private ones

I love nude art, especially sensual and erotic. Its always been a fantasy of mine to have my image drawn or painted!
So sexy and hot guy..
Male nudity is a spectacle in itself… Penis, testicles, scrotum, body hair, beard… I love it