7 thoughts on “Nude Male Models

  1. I am a Mature Nude Model from South Wales in the UK and have been modellinh nude for 13 years, starting at the age of 70! I am now 83 and still posing naked for Life Drawing Classes, Photographers and Hen Parties. I have also done two 3D Imaging Shoots, one for Scott Eaton at Pinewood Studios and one for Anatomy360 in Sheffield! I would love to do more erotic stuff!

    1. Daddy Dave…Simply the BEST

      It would be wonderful to make drawings your nudes… and private ones 😈💋🏳️‍🌈😊

    1. So sexy and hot guy..

      Male nudity is a spectacle in itself… Penis, testicles, scrotum, body hair, beard… I love it 😈💋

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