9 thoughts on “Not Into Edging

  1. Hi guys. New to this site. I’m 55yrs old ,married and into semen retention. Very simple str8 guy but very fascinated with the male physique especially cocks. This site is amazing . Hope to share my experiences and learn from you guys aswell.

  2. Agreed! While I enjoy edging, I find if I ruin it may not be as big a release as I expect as I think my orgasm is linked with the size load in that the more I cum the better it feels and so ruining my orgasm can somewhat let this down.
    Orgasming several times in one session is also enjoyable even when it’s more difficult to achieve the orgasms in successions as it feels more intense. Any tips for working through the sensitively after each orgasm?
    Has anyone experienced multiple orgasms and/or has tips for achieving this?

  3. I am a wanker and a dedicated edger. It is a rare thing for me to just have a quick wank…. why when (as long as I have the time) I can spend hours stroking my cock, bringing it almost to that special moment and then to hold off time after time, until of course there is no holding it anymore and there is an explosion of spunk. So no, edging does not lessen the feeling of orgasm for me, it heightens it considerably.

  4. Thanks Ben, I agree. I find edging and ruining a bit of a let down. It doesn’t increase my orgasms but prolonge my frustration. I have found myself more prone to being upset or even angry when I edge for more than 2 days…
    I often wank several times a day and like you it gets increasingly difficult but also much better, deeper, more meaningful orgasm. I don’t like to edge, I like to ejaculate when my body is at its limit of screaming no more please.

    1. Babas, Of course you don’t want a ruined orgasm, naturally that is a let down. The skill of edging is to be able to just ride that edge, like a surfer on the crest of a wave. The hold it and let your self down somewhat and then up to that delicious point again. How many times one can manage this depends upon one’s skill but then there is that moment when it’s OMG…..now!!!!! Wonderful. Way, way back in the 1970s, I met a man and took him home, it was very unusual for those days that he was totally shaved, somewhat muscular too. I had assumed he would fuck me but no. Instead he sat astride me and with some oil massaged my body and my penis. Countless times he brought me to that point where I thought I would explode but he was skilled and he knew when to bring me down a bit, only to repeat the process over and over. I was only in my 20s and as I recall I’d not wanked that week at all, so I was more than ready. This session went on for a very long time until eventually I shot my spunk everywhere and then he did the same. It remains to this day one of the most memorable sex sessions I have ever had. Sadly, I never saw him again. It was, however, an indication of the kind of sex that I would enjoy many years later. Edging, it is a skill to be mastered – if you are so inclined.

    2. Like a poet who writes the classic poem, you write the perfect analogy of edging when you state that edging is ” like a surfer who rides the crest of a wave.” I have ridden that wave many times and every time it’s utterly fantastic

    3. And you and your incredible penis have fueled my edge many times with your pictures. Thanks for the inspiration.

    4. If any indication that edging makes the time going to a lull and time pass and gets to a point that getting off just tires you out. But going to a bathhouse has its advantages a younger man and looking at his youthful body, and wondering how he looks naked with a erection , and see him climaxing with you and how long it takes , sometimes it takes three or four times depending at the time and how long if I had sec within a month or couple of days . At my age at seventy I usually do edging three days a week I set aside and play classical music doing my edging .

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