10 thoughts on “Nirvana Fucking

  1. Before I ever had sex with another man at age 22, I had fucked several girls I dated during high school and college. While I loved how manly it made me feel to be inside them, I found myself getting pretty jealous of how hard they would cum and how it would be like a religious experience for them at times. One girl in particular I dated for over a year twice, first at 16 and then at 20, would always orgasm from PIV and sometimes cum so hard she would be shaking and crying for a few minutes afterward. I wanted that. Didn’t think it was possible for men.
    Then I met this much older muscle daddy at work and heard rumors he was gay. He loaned me a book that I didn’t give a shit about which seemed odd, but shortly I realized that returning the book was the premise to get me to come over. That was the right decision. He knew I was inexperienced and he was so sweet. I took his cock and loved it. The only other time I paid him a visit was when the miracle happened.
    We had been passionately making out and rubbing and sucking each other’s cocks for a while and I was so worked up that when his cock grazed my prostate on his second slow and gentle thrust I had one of those explosive, convulsing, possessed-by-a-demon orgasms. I was kneeling on the bed and he was standing behind me and I shot a huge wad and collapsed on the bed when my legs went to jelly. Intense waves of pleasure gave way to intense waves of emotion. Should have let it pass and shared the moment and had more fun, but I was young and panicked that I had ruined everything. I awkwardly got dressed and bolted out of there. I called him a few months later and he told me he wasn’t interested, which was honest and chill.

    The years since he taught me that was possible have been incredible. Nirvana fucking is more than just a good prostate orgasm of course, but that was my introduction. It is a fond and funny memory.

  2. This is a beautiful and well filmed scene. I’m with you Mr Cox. Can someone tell us how we can find this? I thought I heard one of the men speak French.

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