10 thoughts on “My Hetero Life

  1. I’ve always had naughty thoughts.
    I have always enjoyed sex, being curious, playing and satisfying.
    But after twenty years of marriage, my wife lost her desire for sex.
    But I still had needs and desires…!
    I felt like having sex with a man…and didn’t regret it. Quite the opposite!

  2. Hi Mr Cox, For some reason this update was the last I\’ve received from you, Dec 11th. I haven\’t knowingly unsubscribed or asked to stop. I miss them, they are wonderful for a daily cheer. Please don\’t drop me. Re gards, Jon

  3. I’m a cocksucker, love cock going in and out of my. mouth and licking cock and balls. I’m willing to please older gentleman who can’t get it at home no more like myself.

  4. Phalluster, I totally agree. It is some of the reason I am now attracted to men. Scared me witless at first but it also turned me on. This site and and a chat room I use helped me to explore my feelins about men and the desire grew in me. After much wrestling in my mind, I finally met with a loving man who lwd me into a world I would never believed possible. Ian

  5. Thanks, Phalluster, you have put it exactly how it is.
    So many of the men out there are later life, married with grown up kids, sex with wife is unsatisfying/ceased, and the longing for intimate masculine connection seems to take over. And a few have the balls to do something about it.
    If only more men could get over their inhibitions and taboos, there would be so much more HaPenis in the world.

    1. Entirely agree, once men break free of the heteronormative mindset. They realize that it isn’t every man for himself, but that each of us wants to connect, feel understood and valuable. I say the more we can normalize guys having intimate moments with each other, we diminish a dependency. I mean, how many men see women as only a source of sex, how many women use sex to control a man. If we can dissolve that, I want to hope it would improve our entire society.

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