“Bring me a cup of wine that is dark red and smells of musk. Don’t bring me that expensive stuff that tastes like money and smells like lust.” HaFeZ
More KnoBledge
“Bring me a cup of wine that is dark red and smells of musk. Don’t bring me that expensive stuff that tastes like money and smells like lust.” HaFeZ
Stroke through my hair
Like you care
Caress my hairy chest
You will get the best
Go slowly to my cock
Which will makes you rock
Jerk gently but firm my dick
also give it a glorious lick
As I am about to cum
My body will be numb
HaPenis as I will be
How wonderful you did that to me
Oh pour me another cup of cum and juice. I long to feel it drip down my cheek..Dip your dick in and feed it to me, please.