The Team was yarning last night, Seb, about the closing of Mens’ Spaces. Don’t know how it is there, but here you’d reckon that Aussie men were having their nuts slowly crushed in a vice! I’m 63. Back in the 60’s, Melbourne had the last of the traditional gyms, ‘Findlays’. Bare boards, spartan, brilliant instructors, roasting in summer, fucking freezing in winter. Footy players, wrestlers, athletes, sportsmen, blokes looking after their physiques worked out there, no bloke admitted under 18. But, it’s all carpets, music, designer gear & unisex now! Back in the 60’s, when I worked out there in summer, most blokes stripped to a jockstrap in the gym and even then sweated buckets. Age meant nothing. Didn’t mean anything either if a man’s bulge got too tight when he adrenalised. He just stripped completely & masturbated. Always a few bottles of oil around the gym for the lads who didn’t make it into the sauna! A small upstairs room above Charlie, the Masseur’s room, was the exchange for a slew of porn magazines that blokes had retrieved from hiding places at home. After every workout, always slipped up there after I’d stripped off. No better motivation for a daily session in the gym when I knew there’d be 2 or 3 married blokes waiting & extra hungry for dick. Discovering how a man’s body can be excited by the endless variations possible in a headjob addicted me for life. I’m 63 & still addicted. If he’s got a big mouthful of dick, I’m happy. If we both have, that’s even better. Found out in the top room at Findlays how excited I became watching another bloke being teased with tongue on the point of his horn or getting the final full dicksuck. In a Shearing Team, everything happens that I can’t live without, so I’m not leaving. But where do the young blokes of today discover just how great cockfun with other men really is? As Charlie used to say when he came up to have a good close look at the action upstairs, ‘Only another man knows where it is & what it likes.’ Seb, I reckon that’s right. As for Findlays it’s Fucked! Mentioned a Melbourne footy club yesterday. Another Male Space gone.

The players in the 60’s were mainly in their late 20’s, early 30’s. Mature men & built big. Mainly married blokes. End of every match I’d always nip into the changerooms which’d be chockablock with men. 14 or 16 players always poured out of the showers, threw 10 quid into the kitty & oiled up. First man to ejaculate took the lot. The young blokes of 18 there got a big kick seeing mature men rip into a horny jerkoff session as enthusiastically as they did with their mates. Like most of the blokes there, I always had on a tracksuit. Very convenient for accessing a horn while the race was on. No doubt about it, Seb, the fitter a man is, the healthier, the bigger the bucketload he blows. It’s one thing I love to watch, I always have. Many a young bloke there for the first time learnt that his father got real turned on by the sight of well muscled, virile footy players masturbating & didn’t try to disguise his own jerkoff. Male Pride & No Shame. I reackon all young blokes should see the raunchy side of their old man. The sons of the Overseer we had on the last Station knew that he’d dickride all day if he had his druthers. But the footy clubs, Seb, have gone the way of Findlays. Another turn of the screw on the vice in which Aussie blokes now have their nackers! Seb, when you’re here Down Under & if we’re lucky enough to see you in the Team, the blokes have decided that you’re the Chief Nuggeter. 3 shearers, 2 old bulls & 1 young bull, have got the nackers of a stallion. Great to see their balls set up at full stretch getting the treatment! Anytime you like, we’ll organize them staked out and spreadeagled. NackerLacquer here if you prefer, but in Shearing Teams the tradition is the big Nugget! I’d say you’ve got your finger on lots of pulses, Seb. What do you reckon about the disappearance of Mens’ Spaces? As a young bloke, I learnt a helluva lot about myself, my body, men in the ones I knew. Important knowledge! Stay hard, mate. James

7 thoughts on “Men’s Spaces

  1. This is a fantastic, vivid account of a vanishing culture. I’m just back from two weeks in Australia. The country has definitely changed. In a rural place I was staying in New South Wales, there are no more sheep shearers. The feel of Sydney is certainly different. Less masculine. The heterosexual world of Australia is just as overactive as ever. Men are fucking women, or is it the other way around, in Parliament House. But, after a very brief visit, it doesn’t seem as if there are as many “Aussie men” around. I didn’t see any on the street or on the beach. Too short a visit to have an opinion either way. But I don’t think you can recreate male spaces linked to male cultures that are dying or have died. What everyone on this website is talking about is how to be a man and share that experience with other men. It’s getting to be a problem.

  2. It is my sincere hope that something positive comes out of this discussion and it is not just shrugged off as an outcome of the current political climate. It is truly ghastly what has been happening, and after enough time and frustration there will be more and more private spaces for men. We will find a way.

  3. I’ve commented on this before, here and elsewhere. The dearth of men-only spaces will most certainly contribute to the slow slide of western civilization into the next Dark Ages. Think that’s too extreme? Social psychologists, social scientists, psychiatrists and therapists don’t think so. Professionals from these varied areas of expertise have all come to the same conclusion. They see evidence every day of the slow creep of the misunderstood concept of “equality”.
    if all things were truly equal, why do we not see men in women’s locker rooms after the game? There are certainly women in the men’s locker room.
    There must be areas for men only, just as there must be areas for women only. Historians have studied all varieties of ancient cultures and found that all have been successful and prospered when they recognized this basic fact of society. It is an intrinsic aspect of our nature. It is a visceral part of us being human.
    I don’t see that there will be any improvement in this situation as time goes on. I think you would agree that the Covid pandemic has hastened that devolution. I have experienced this first hand. All I can do is enjoy each and every occasion where, either by plan or happenstance, I find myself with my tribe.

  4. Loved showering after the gym when I was in school.
    Always had dudes checking out my big equipment. Usually made me half hard. That only increased the interest LOL.

    Most men would face away to hide their engorged HaPenis.

  5. This is awesome. You hear about a place where guys can be men, have erections, j/o, etc. but I have never seen anything close to this except a bathhouse (like Flex) and then that’s not even a comparison because it becomes more about penetration. Being a guy (gay) I don’t even want to “f” another guy and I don’t like hanging with feminine guys. At a Los Angeles Korena spa, everyone is naked and guys want to just j/o but it’s still not “approved”. And I did get a scrub by an older Asian guy and I got a huge erection (better than a small one lol) and the guy just laid a towel on me like no big deal. Yaaaa…first time in my life that I wasn’t embarrassed for a natural normal erection. I think that I am going to start my own club 🙂 If anyone has more inside information about the old-school versions of the men’s gym’s please share.

    1. Great idea for a new “old-school” club. I’d cumm. What you say about not being embarrassed about a healthy erection is true and the key to the exercise. Men get horney when we exercise. But so too, should there be no need to fluff your shrunken weenie after the ice bath either. Men should be able to just hang as they are and be accepted. Laugh at ourselves and with each other, wear frayed shorts, ripped at the sides with no need to repair and a dick-slip on the bench press just something that ordinarily happens, coz commando is the rule. Let us all sweat on the machines and workout bare chested. No door to the change rooms with only a line of gang showers. No hidden nooks and crannies for secrets. Everything needs to be visible and accepted as a normal expression of manly conduct. The whole place bathed in the smell of testosterone, shared soap bars wrapped in nothing but a good sense of humour – and plenty of towels. Men love towels and to drop them and for someone else to do the laundry. Hot sauna and cold pool, a bottle of whisky for a shot before you leave.

    2. And pranking the new guy…… a bottle of Lynx (foulest smelling deodorant) in the locker as a hint for all to see, as though he stinks! Haha

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