8 thoughts on “Maturity & Self Acceptance

  1. I started my journey in man-to-man sex in my teens under the loving and patient guidance of a man 20 years my senior. He would go on to introduce me to men 30 and even more than 40 years older than me. These were kind men, self assured men, patient, caring, strong, and sexy. They escorted me on my journey of exploration, unlocking my pent up desires and examining them without judgement. In every encounter I grew to know myself, more and more and I am ever grateful for their care and wisdom. They were sweet, sexy older men who desired the attention and affections of a younger man, and this younger man came to adore and yield to all that they had to offer. Every sweet encounter is etched in my memory, every kiss , embrace, and caress, the feel of their cocks in my mouth and in my man-pussy and every sacred ejaculation.
    Now I am 67. I saw some of those mens for years until they left this plain, and even now I keep the company of men my age and older. I regard every lovemaking session with them as an honored treasure.

    1. I’m 74 and married but want to explore my bi side with another man. I started having these feelings about 6 years ago and hope to fulfill them soon. I would prefer a man close to my age to start with and then see what happens. I definitely enjoy looking at naked men from 50 – 80 years old.

  2. Daddy Dave”harddick” has amazing body and manhood
    thanks for including him in the Project look forwars to seeing more of him

    1. I express my sincere gratitude to all for including me along with your warm comments of desire.
      When I actually posed for that photo out of hundreds I have done I was told it was at the forefront
      of any I have done. I am honored and humbled to be here as part of the HaPenis Project.
      Nowhere on the planet does it better than the Project

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