5 thoughts on “Masturbation Is Essential

  1. The taboos around openly acknowledging masturbation are beginning to dissolve.
    Anonymous masturbation on the internet, where we can freely experience the beauty and power of masturbating alone and with others, has begin to replace the stains of sin with stains of semen, each one marking a moment of bliss. When we take our masturbation out from behind the screen and enjoy it with others sunlight, the stains of sin will fade to nothing.

    1. So eloquently expressed, Jack. “Replace the stains of sin with stains of semen”: brilliant! Masturbation and semen are gifts to be enjoyed. Twisted men have added the concept of sin to an otherwise wholesome and healthy act. As you say, men are increasingly finding the freedom to bring their bodies and masturbation in to the sunlight. Blessings on you, Jack.

  2. Yes it was taboo to talk about masturbation when I was growing up. I love how free guys have become….to post the naked o pictures online, and even masturbating their cocks online for all to see. It just looks so damn natural and part of everyday life! I e been masturbating since I was 14. I love to be watched when I do it. I love to talk about it on the phone. Like be a chat buddy.

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