14 thoughts on “Masturbation Clubs

  1. I would so love to find a masturbation club.
    I would love to be naked with a crowd of other naked men all showing off our rampant cocks and being as lewd as we could.
    This is the true brotherhood I long for.
    I would love to be stroking my own and others cocks in a big gathering, enjoying the sights and sensations, sounds and scents of our group masturbation.
    Imagine the variety of cocks, bollocks, ages, body types and all with avid faces delighting in the erotic scene!
    I would love for there to be a bukkake option where a man is doused in the cumm of many others. I would push my way to the front of the queue to receive that honour.
    True HaPenis.
    I am in reach of Cardiff and Bristol if anyone knows of a club like that.

  2. Thank you for the great post. Is there a website that lists masturbation groups/places around the USA? specially west coast. Thanks

  3. Never heard of a masterbation club. I would love to join one. I enjoy master bating in a public men’s room and men watching me through the cracks of the door. It’s really great when they wait for me to come outside, they expect me to suck them. I love ❤️ to suck. My cock don’t really work that good anymore unless I’m nude
    with men .

  4. I belong to one in Denver and it’s a really amazing experience to come together as men and explore our own sexuality as well as celebrate our commonalities. It’s amazing to be naked with a bunch of guys who are jerking off , naked, exposed and connecting without having to say a word. There isn’t any penetration or oral allowed so it’s just guy with other guys enjoying our cocks and on occasion, giving a bro a hand


  5. I used to go to San Francisco Jacks in the 80s and 90s. It was great fun and I met people there who became friends. Since at the time I had a hot gym body, it was a great place to show off.

  6. Wow, masturbation clubs!!
    I’ve never been to one, and I would love to participate..Men of all types masturbating must be immensely beautiful and sexually stimulating to see, hear and feel the odors of males discharging their nectars..💦💦💦

    More information Mr. Cox, please, dear and famous friend 💋🏳️‍🌈

  7. We have a club.in suburban Detroit called MotorCity Jacks. I’m on their mailing list but I’ve never been to a meeting. I’m afraid I’m too old, too fat and my dick is too small. None of those things are completely true but there is some truth there. I hope that one day I have the balls to go drain my balls. These clubs have a lot of rules that seem intimidating. It seems like primal urges in the heat of the moment would make it very easy to break a rule, intentional or not. I’d like to read a first time experience story if someone would like to share.

    1. It depends on what you’re into. Like for me, penetration is for women, so there’s no chance of accidentally breaking a rule.

    1. I’d love to join a masturbation club near me but never seen/heard of anything regarding a masturbation club in or around Northwest UK…if anyone reading this post has come across anything like a men’s masturbation club in the Northwest of the UK then let me know!

    2. Hey Chris I’m in Northwest UK myself Manchester area…..looking for a masturbation club too…where in Northwest UK abouts are you?

    3. SF Jacks…….. my introduction to such venues. I was taken there in March 1992 during my first visit to California. Being ‘new’ at the club I felt, that night, as though I was the toast of gay San Francisco. It was fantastic….!!!

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