A contributor to a discussion group for masturbating catholic priests wrote the following that seems to show beautifully how masturbation can be turned into a truly spiritual Catholic experience. As a catholic priest for years, integrating my spirituality and my sexuality has definitely been a process. Just turning down the volume on the shame voices from growing up Belfast, in that Bible Belt, has taken me years. Now, the volume is almost off, Yea! One of the key orthodox Catholic beliefs we have is that God is omnipresent. In other words, there is no place where God is not! If that is true, where is God when humans have sex? Up in the corner of the room, as far away as possible, looking the other way? Of course not. God is in the heave, in the licking, sucking and pleasuring ourselves and others. It’s not that God is not there. It’s that for the last 1500 years or so, we Christians have been so split off from our bodies, we haven’t wanted God to be there Thanks to the Platonic education Saul/Paul received, (the spirit is good, holy, while the body is bad,corrupted, etc,) we have lots of references in his epistles that make it clear he was uncomfortable saying anything good about the human body, much less sex! Personally I enjoy pleasuring other men. Over the years, I became comfortable knowing God is as fully present with me in sex as when I’m preaching or serving Communion. What I have found most fulfilling in the last five years however, has been experiencing cock worship as another way I can love and serve our Lord. I do this by serving each man as if I am in that moment serving Jesus. I visualize the same thing when masturbating. When I’m blessed enough to be kneeling between another man’s legs with his musty manhood at eye level, I whisper to myself, “This is the cock of Christ.” This willingness to suck the “staff of Life” in every man has become a beautiful way to worship Christ as Son of the Living God, in all his masculine glory. If a man happens to be circumcised like Jesus, it’s even easier “see” myself worshiping Christ. So whether I’m pleasuring myself alone or pleasuring other men, I am enabled to worship our Lord Jesus Christ- mind, body and spirit. For this journey of integration I am grateful. – Enhanced Masculinity
Spunky Priests
More KnoBledge
I was raised Catholic and was very active in my church as an altar boy when I was young and later as a musician, cantor, reader and active volunteer for the parish. I discovered my love of cock in my teens and I actively explored all aspects of man-to-man sexuality (mostly with older men) while maintaining an outwardly straight life, and marrying at age 23. I had good relationships with my parish priests and was very good friends with one priest who was 11 or 12 years my senior.
I entered the rectory one afternoon to meet him for a meeting on service planning. I had arrived early and walked in on him masturbating. I stared at his beautiful hard cock as he apologized and tried to cover up. I assured him it was perfectly alright and urged him to continue. He looked perplexed but slowly continued. I knelt in from of him for a close look, then our eyes locked and I told him that I wanted to help. and reached out my hand, wrapping it around his still manhood. He said it’s wrong and I replied that we are human and therefore sexual. Without asking permission I leaned in and took him into my mouth, enjoying what proved to be the first of many times I would serve him this way.
As we continued meeting regularly he confided that he felt guilty, betraying his sacred vow of celibacy and mine of marriage, but I assured him that we needed each other and that God was providing for us both. We continued, carefully and secretly for the next three years before his transfer to another parish, and picked up again a few months later, meeting when we could. My marriage had fallen apart by then and our relationship was stability for me. Over time we moved away from each other and only sporadically stay in touch.
Funny that, in a time when many priests were exposed for sexual improprieties with boys, this 23 year old married “boy” seduced an older priest. Praise God!
Being raised Catholic I have always maintained a good relationship with my faith and often hoped to be in your situation but alas was never quite so lucky . I have always fantasised about such an encounter and hoped it would happen but not so. Priests have always been a deeply buried fantasy but not one I have shared with anyone so it’s great to see other men who have experienced such pleasures and feel the same way. Thanks for sharing your story.
Lee K,
Honestly, if a priest had approached me when I was young and newly awakened to cock, I would have jumped at the opportunity. There were other older men for me, other mentors, but I admit to always having a thing for priests. The priest I wrote about was the only Catholic priest I was sexual with, but there was also a deacon at my church and two other ministers who were sex partners over the years. The deacon was a thinly closeted gay man, and I hit on him and was active with him several times in my late 20s. The other two ministers were men who I met in my 40s after leaving the Catholic church. One was married and in his 50s, the other was younger than me and also closeted gay. Something about sitting in the congregation and watching these men preach and knowing that their living sperm has been in me was a huge turn on.
Beautiful story. From many contacts I’ve had certain priests do not regard masturbation as a sin but rather a gift from God. Would like to hear from others on this topic.
Joseph, I love this account. I was a choirboy in an Episcopal cathedral choir in the US from the age of 8 to the age of 15. As choirboys, and I in particular as soloist in my last two years in the choir, we were objects of intense, male erotic desire. I never had sex with a priest or adult male member of our all-male choir, although there were plenty who were ripe for the sucking, but my singing and the music we made as choir boys had a lot to do with my first-ever love affair with an older boy in my all-boys school, who introduced me to Christian mysticism and sex with men. For me, the connection between daily ritual practice in my High-Church Episcopal cathedral when I was growing up, the music we made every day of the week except Saturday (and, btw, the musical liturgy of the Episcopal/Anglican church is much more beautiful and erotic than the music of the Catholic church, not to mention the language of the King James Bible), and male desire for other men is incontrovertible and marvelous!
I was a very good friend with a Catholic Priest. He is now deceased. We spent quite a lot of time together. We ran together; he worked with my wife in the garden, played tennis and was an all round good friend. One day we were discussing celibacy. He admitted he masturbates and can’t stop it. I assured him there was nothing wrong with masturbation. It is a normal, natural characteristic of the male species. I told him even though I am married, I still enjoy my god-given privilege of solo sex. Get sin out of your mind and accept your masculinity. He sometime later thanked me. RIP Tim.
Interesting history includes saints who were same sex partners and unions between same sex couples.
John Boswell had “unprecedented access” to the Vatican archives which are kept secure and top secret for his books. He also was familiar with 14 dead languages like no other. His tireless research exposed the truth.
Peace to all my GOD like brothers.
WE ARE God like that makes us all GODS.
Siempre me resultó difícil de creer,que los religiosos pudieran mantener el voto de castidad.
Me parece perfecto que digan la verdad y tengan sexo como todos los hombres,siempre desde el respeto a los demás.
I have had sex with two clerics…both were well hung. One bred me, he had the build of a rugby player. The other was years later in a sauna nice but we never finished off… Pity as he had a nice dick.
All men do it. Priest are men first. I’d service some if I knew any who needed servicing!
Hey catholic priest,
While reading about your serving and worshiping every cock as the cock of Christ, this is exactly how I feel spiritually without religion, when the wonders of a penis are presented in front of me. However it did occur to me that if God is omnipresent, then at your moment of worship, God is also in you. Taking the role of not only worshiping the God in front of you, but also being God for your subject of worship, with the cock whispering that he feels he is being worshipped by God. There is of course the common exclamation when God is truly present servicing a cock, “Oh God”.
Perhaps that is clearest in self pleasure, where you worship and are worshipped by yourself as, and by God in a contained spiritual act.
the two pics with priests showing they wonderful cocks and beautiful faces are extremely excting
said that … i do not mix sex and religion
1 ) i am not a believer
2) i respect who believes
If what you have written and you believe is correct then as long as you’re happy enjoy your life because you deserve a healthy happy life,
Jerking with Jesus! The ultimate in offering physical and mental adoration for the Lord, our Savior!
The Catholic church is a cult their doctrine is not gospel. Its salvation by working