A contributor to a discussion group for masturbating catholic priests wrote the following that seems to show beautifully how masturbation can be turned into a truly spiritual Catholic experience. As a catholic priest for years, integrating my spirituality and my sexuality has definitely been a process. Just turning down the volume on the shame voices from growing up Belfast, in that Bible Belt, has taken me years. Now, the volume is almost off, Yea! One of the key orthodox Catholic beliefs we have is that God is omnipresent. In other words, there is no place where God is not! If that is true, where is God when humans have sex? Up in the corner of the room, as far away as possible, looking the other way? Of course not. God is in the heave, in the licking, sucking and pleasuring ourselves and others. It’s not that God is not there. It’s that for the last 1500 years or so, we Christians have been so split off from our bodies, we haven’t wanted God to be there Thanks to the Platonic education Saul/Paul received, (the spirit is good, holy, while the body is bad,corrupted, etc,) we have lots of references in his epistles that make it clear he was uncomfortable saying anything good about the human body, much less sex! Personally I enjoy pleasuring other men. Over the years, I became comfortable knowing God is as fully present with me in sex as when I’m preaching or serving Communion. What I have found most fulfilling in the last five years however, has been experiencing cock worship as another way I can love and serve our Lord. I do this by serving each man as if I am in that moment serving Jesus. I visualize the same thing when masturbating. When I’m blessed enough to be kneeling between another man’s legs with his musty manhood at eye level, I whisper to myself, “This is the cock of Christ.” This willingness to suck the “staff of Life” in every man has become a beautiful way to worship Christ as Son of the Living God, in all his masculine glory. If a man happens to be circumcised like Jesus, it’s even easier “see” myself worshiping Christ. So whether I’m pleasuring myself alone or pleasuring other men, I am enabled to worship our Lord Jesus Christ- mind, body and spirit. For this journey of integration I am grateful. – Enhanced Masculinity
Spunky Priests
More KnoBledge
I found the the Enhanced Masculinity blog a long time ago. I returned to it often and really liked to read the many ideas and thoughts posted there. I was sad when I discovered it was taken down this past year. I wish the text he posted were saved on another blog. I did save a lot of his writings in the past and hope to compile a collection of the most moving ideas he presented. Thank you Mr Cox for hosting this wonderful affirming website for all us like minded men to read and compare feelings and share our thoughts!
Hello Kent, I also enjoyed his blog and posted some of his articles. Let us know when you compile the collection as i would like to link to it.
Bless You!
H I also followed Father Paul. Have you compiled his teachings yet? If so will you be making the available. I actually corresponded with him. Regards Jos
All Catholic priests also need what every man needs.
Her cock is just as stiff and the sack full of semen as any man’s.
Masturbating is also a divine ritual
Hi Sexy Man
Catholic priest are men, they have needs like any man.
I was a good friend of a Catholic Priest. We played tennis together, jogged together, had lunches together. We were good friends. He confided in me one day to say he could not stop from masturbating. I told him it was perfectly normal and healthy. I told him I do it myself. It’s not a sin. We never did it together, but he thanked me many times for our friendship. He died recently at 52 of a brain tumor.
Lovely and sad to hear this. It’s sad how many men die before they have set themselves free from dogma and self-denial.
The clergy collar holds a lot of sexual power. Growing up in a catholic high school as I was first coming alive sexually, I regret not having taken chances with a few priests I repressed crushes on, as I just wasn’t ready at the time to serve their priestly penises. I felt more destined to live a straight life. I regret not have returned to my high school as an alumnus and having sought out some clergy cock. And now that I would be more than willing to suckingly serve them, they are unfortunately now all deceased. Now I want to atone for it by seeking out active or retired clergy who could appreciate all that my mouth can offer them. Yet I don’t have any connections, as i guess not going to church doesn’t help. At this point, I’d even be willing to go down on a man just wearing a priest’s collar without even necessarily being an actual priest. As long as he looks the part. Again, it’s the magical sexual power of the collar. I’ve also gotten my own clergy shirts, shirtfronts, janies, etc.
I agree totally with your summation . I too was raised a catholic and went to catholic schools. Firstly a convent and then in senior school that was run by Brothers. I also regret not making a few advances on the Brothers as this was where I learnt to masturbate and had my first sexual encounter with a boy my age (wanked and sucked). I was appraoched by several of the Brothers who gave me the talk and now I wonder if they were in fact not offers from them. Like you I will never know
This posting and 3 others on this site come from the blogspot on Enhanced Masculinity of the late Father Paul Westernstock (either the surname or both names were assumed names). His blogspot covered postings on enhanced masculinity or the “fuck dynamic” as he frequently called it for a number of years illustrated with pictures not different from those posted here. According to another blogger Father Paul died around 2018/19 but stopped active blogging in around 2017 as he became sicker. I used to dip into the blog regularly and referred someone to it a few weeks ago but found it had been taken down . I am so happy that this site was able to publish a few of Father Paul’s writings which encapsulate his thinking as a priest.
Hello Jos, thank you for noticing. I was also a regular visitor to Father Paul’s Blog, and I felt blessed to get a few mentions about my site. As a former Catholic I found a lot of what he wrote very healing. A lot of what you read on the HaPenis Site, is inspired by that healing.
Bless You
https://cumm.co.uk/author/enhanced-masculinity/ .
Thanks Mr Cox glad you acknowledged him and were inspired with the healing provided. Funny up to a month or so ago his blog was receiving traffic from all over the world
I have felt this way for a very long time. As a catholic I was almost educated/brainwashed to view sex as sinful. With growing spiritual maturity I realise that my engagement in sex with men is the one experience which describes for me a ‘holy communion’. Like you I experience sucking another man as true and sacred devotion. I do not experience this as wrong in any way, rather I experience this beautiful act as one of love, surrender a true giving of myself.
It is not just catholic priests who masturbate> As a priest of another denomination I also masturbate. It is more useful to ask the question about what your mind contemplates whilst you do stroke you cock. For me, it is a whole raft of different scenarios. My most common scenario is undressing in front of a man at his request. I try not to self analyze over my actions as I become too conflicted. I just enjoy the moment.
All Men masturbate. Also Catholic Priests. And I think it’s the most natural and beautiful thing in the world to masturbate your own Penis and squirt the Semen with pleasure. A Priest’s Sack is also filled with Semen and needs to be emptied. I know three Priests myself and had Sex with one of them. I jerked off his stiff Cock and sucked out the Semen. It was very horny
That is so hot!! And what a sexy picture
Después de haber vivido más de 55 años de pajas culposas, y gracias a una profunda caída emocional para esas fechas, tuve la necesidad de aplacar mi consciencia terrenal, gracias a la guía de análisis psicológico un cierto tiempo que, finalmente eliminaron en mi, esas culpas. Más tarde, con la serenidad de no sentir culpas, caí en la cuenta de algo, que nunca, ningún sacerdote te dice, o al menos nunca me lo dijeron:
Si hemos sido creados desde el primer átomo que nos constituye, por un creador perfecto que no tiene tachas, mal podría haber creado el placer de la masturbación, para nuestra condenación, muy por el contrario. Si fuimos creados de tal modo que la masturbación propia, u otorgada, produce un estado de placer indescriptible, tanto para el que se la hace, como para el que se la da, mal puede ser motivo de pecado, en el sentido estricto de la palabra, porque todo lo que hace Dios, es para bien, nunca para mal. Entiendo que esta distorsión del auto placer, solo han sido manifestaciones interesadas de aquellos que; no pudiendo dominar con las armas a los demás, y lo hicieron para dominar con la palabra, y someter a control y sufrimiento a los que lo escuchaban. Todas cosas para dominar al hombre, metiéndose en su intimidad y controlar su placer… ¡Más claro… échale agua!!!