6 thoughts on “Master Bates

  1. With memories of more innocent days, I recall the children’s cartoon series “Captain Pugwash”, which was broadcast on British television during the mid-1970s. Popular myth claims that the name “Pugwash” was sexual innuendo, with “pug” being a sailors’ term from the 1700s for penis. Leading from this, “pugwash” was the act of receiving fellatio or inserting the penis into another moist orifice. Alternatively, “pugwash” is said to refer to urinating into the anus or licking semen from the anus. While on board his ship “The Black Pig”, the bungling Captain was joined by his hapless crew, allegedly including Master Bates, Seaman Stains and Roger the Cabin Boy. While these names are not quite accurate, the misunderstanding has served to increase interest and enhance the reputation of Captain Pugwash within popular culture.

    1. In May 2017, a live-action film adaption of Captain Pugwash was announced, starring Nick Frost as the Captain. Due to budget issues, the film was not actually produced. What a pity, as Nick Frost is such a gorgeous man, as pictured here: mature, bearded, solid and hairy. Much better looking than the original Captain!

      Captain Pugwash & Nick Frost

  2. The pic of you I like very much You are laid back with your cock out nice cock and body you like handsome also Win Win situation,

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