1. I appreciate Phalluster’s words of wisdom so often here. Thank you, sir.
    Men have always needed men.
    Nothing to explain, apologize for, or feel guilty for. Male to male sexual contact in our species is often a tribal rite. It is a sacrament, a blessing and an honor and is viewed that way-not a sexual thing at all. My wish for all our brothers here is that they discover this truth within themselves so they can be truly free. Our creator endowed us with the capacity for pleasure for a reason and its not (what we were taught) only about procreation. Make no mistake fellas, it is within you inherited from our Men GOD ancestors. Celebrate it. Embrace it. Be it for it is all of us. It is who we are as Devine beings.
    For some men its like helping a bud move furniture, for others of us it is an occasional splurge. Still others have the capacity to truly love another man and actually share a home together. Native cultures revere gay men as “two spirit” people. A higher realm. On and on.
    Our history is crystal clear.
    We are all unique yet similar.
    Peace and HaPenis brothers.

  2. Society and religion have conspired to tell men (and women) that they should not have sex with each other. Common sense and common sexual desire tells us that is nonsense. To me, there is nothing more masculine than a man sucking another man’s cock and taking his cum in his mouth and into his body. Of course men can have sex with women but that is not purely masculine. Male homosexuality, quite obviously, is purely masculine and nothing about a man sucking cock diminishes his manhood. Rather, it enhances manhood via the pure connection to another man.
    Thanks to this and other sites, I am becoming increasingly comfortable with my deep attraction to homosexuality.

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