As an avid pit diver I can confirm the info in this post. In fact when I have a date with a guy, and if the vibes are right, I ask him not to wear any deodorant. Many men are nervous about this and take some convincing, but never go disappointed because this certainly makes me very compliant. I also wear very very sparse amounts of deodorant whenever I’m with a guy, (or none at all if he’s into that), to make sure my own scent is coming through. Sometimes guy wanna play hard to get, and I’ve found that my scent makes them change their mind. This has turned many a ”first-base” -only nights into full blown sex adventures. All it takes is me asking if I can smell him. Again, some insecurity can happen here, but as I draw in his scent in deep breaths, and then I start kissing and licking, it soon dissipates. After I’m done, usually all I have to do is to raise my arm, and push his face in and he has a transcendent experience of his own. I swear, this goes down 9/10 times. What we think is “animal magnetism” is actually pheromones.It all sounds very manipulative, but I think of it as freeing. Freeing the mind, freeing the body, and opening up pleasure centers. The way I see it, the art of seduction is just as much about granting someone else pleasure, as myself. It’s a mutual act. – Ben

13 thoughts on “Erotic Fragrancy

  1. I think what I crave most is the smell of a man. The thought of being able to smell another man’s aroma arouses me so much! Not the smell of his aftershave, but the musk of his sweat. His pits, his balls and his cock. The smell of our ejaculate mingling!

    1. Completely agree with you David about the smells from a man that arouses you 🙌🏼 ….I’m the same it’s not necessarily the smell of a blokes sweat or body that arouses me it’s the distinct smell of a blokes cock and balls and the smell of a blokes arse that gets me horny…..especially the smell of his hot thick spunk ✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅 …… the smell of spunk gets my cock throbbing 😜😜😜

      Added some of my favourite hot gay porn pics below…..enjoy lads 🙌🏼😜✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

  2. i like to write “pits room__” on the chalkboard when i go to the tubs. i love pits more than anything and especially dried on sweat. it seems kind of awkward to ask a man if he’s into pits but that’s where i’m at.

  3. As an avid pit diver I can confirm the info in this post. In fact when I have a date with a guy, and if the vibes are right, I ask him not to wear any deodorant. Many men are nervous about this and take som convincing, but never go disappointed because this certainly makes me very compliant.
    I also wear very very sparse amounts of deodorant whenever I’m with a guy, (or none at all if he’s into that), to make sure my own scent is coming through.
    Sometimes guy wanna play hard to get, and I’ve found that my scent makes them change their mind. This has turned many a ”first-base” -only nights into full blown sex adventures. All it takes is me askinf if I can smell him. Again, some insecurity can happen here, but as I draw in his scent in deep breaths, and then I start kissing and licking, it soon dissipates. After I’m done, usually all I have to do is to raise my arm, and push his face in and he has a transcendent experience of his own. I swear, this goes down 9/10 times. What we think is “animal magnetism” is actually pheromones.

    It all sounds very manipulative, but I think of it as freeing. Freeing the mind, freeing the body, and opening up pleasure centers. The way I see it, the art of seduction is just as much about granting someone else pleasure, as myself. It’s a mutual act.

  4. What I thought about was that it doesn’t matter how hard you fuck a man or kiss him you will never embrace his whole existence. But if you smell a man everything is suddenly inside your brain, and that’s sexy.

    1. Well said, Uwe!

      I see many online profiles saying “I like the smell of soap,” and it’s hard not to comment, “You denatured creature.” It is not a matter of clean or unclean, but of not covering up a key part of attraction: the chemical part!

    2. Uwe, I love this statement. What does the man I had an encounter with at midnight in the pitch-black darkness on a beach in August remember and still crave the most about me? My smell. Next most: how I tasted when I came in his mouth. Smell and taste get “inside your brain” and stay there.

    3. Uwe,

      You’re soooo handsome. I’d suck every drop out of that hot cut dick and swallow every drop. I’d blow you every day and night. Your cum would never go to waste.

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