4 thoughts on “Life Magazine Male Nudes

  1. Wonderful photos! Hard to imagine feeling so relaxed about getting naked, being naked, standing naked (really close!) to other men with clothes on. These naked men are beautifully erotic but the gaze of the camera isn’t eroticising them. I love it!

    1. What you describe as exceptionary is from the outside not the inside. Nothing extraordinary is going on except what goes on in a typical locker room devoid of sex. What you see is daily and rather mundane as men have dicks and asses and once you seen the first 25, the 26th looks the same. At the time of the pics, gays were where they belong and not interfere with daily life.

  2. Terrific. When did we get all shy around other men. What is there to hide. Are we not all the same and nudity together just reinforces our troupe bonding sense of being brothers. Of social cohesion, tolerance and generosity toward our fellow men.

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