6 thoughts on “Lemons & Limes 

  1. I usually use 100 mg of Viagra, so i decided to experiment with a quarter of that(approx 25 mg), which i crushed and mixed with 3 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon and lime juice. I am convinced that mixture had the same effect as when I take the 100 mg. Has anyone else tried this?

  2. I tried with lime and lemon but no immediate effect. It still took a good 40 minutes for the Viagra to become effective.

    Maybe I didn’t have the right combination of lime and lemon juices? Does it have to be fresh lemons and limes or juices from a bottle of the shelves works?

    Can someone help ?

  3. Can you tell me how much lemon and lime juice was needed to help with erections? I wul definitely try this.

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