Yes, I agree relax. You have plenty of time to figure out where you are going there is no rush. I am gay and i am almost 80. Christianity is dead wrong and is simply pushing a white male cultural value system that keeps white straight men on top literally and metaphorically. Jesus never said a single thing that could remotely imply all of the baggage that Christian churches have saddled any aspect of sexuality with. If you carefully read the Gospels I think you can make the case that Jesus was gay. He never married and the so called Last Supper story in the Gospel of John where Jesus takes off his clothes, he is naked, and he goes down to wash his disciples feet could possibly be metaphor for him showing love for his friends by giving them oral sex. Christian belief claims that Jesus was fully human and fully divine, you can not be fully human without sex albeit it gay straight, solo, so if nothing else Jesus masturbated and he had to fantasize about something. That may seem crazy to you but be gentle with yourself and explore your feelings and get to know your body especially in regard to sexual pleasure and discern what actually arouses you and take pleasure in it. I have come to believe that my sexual partners are gifts from God. Anyway just take it easy. –Carl Boege
Okay enough slamming of views! Look Jesus was a spiritual being (like the rest of us, some just haven’t awaken to that yet) and He came down to earth incarnate as a human because humans had lost their sense of who they are (spiritual beings) and his death basically left a gateway open for all of us to ascend when we again realize our own Christ Consciousness. As he said, “don’t seek salvation outside yourself. You have within you everything you need. Just follow me” in other words, don’t be a prick, love others as you would yourself, stop fighting and lighten up a bit for fuck sakes. In modern terms “may the force (life force) be with you”.
I see it as perfectly possible that Jesus was gay, but also don’t really think it matters.
Religious rules are often designed to address some societal problem. I believe that the problem being addressed when Christianity was being formed was men having too much sex with men. The reasons for religion “preferring” heterosexual sex are obvious – it is needed for procreation. The reasons for homosexual sex are equally obvious – it is intensely pleasurable. I have no doubt that men were sucking and fucking each other long before religion became a dominant force in growing societies. And when societies started to organize around work and productivity, men having sex with each other all day became a problem.
I believe that if you took religion out of societies, homosexuality would be very widely practiced. Once AI takes all the jobs, maybe men will be freed up for homosexual sex once again!
JESUS was NOT gay! And yes all this was from the beginning, we are all sinners and need to ask HIM for forgiveness, it’s that easy. We all have fallen short of GODS Glory…. Bottom line is we all love sin and what this garden of Eden has to offer! Sodgom
Phalluster, I Wholeheartedly agree with you regarding male-male sexual engagement. But, those men who want to engage in male-female engagement might be enough to not have a deleterious effect on running a threat to balancing a sufficient population! Just to think. . . What a wonderful world it could be with those who want to engage in same-sex, engagement would be able to do so, freely, without any fears, only freedom to continue live side by side with each other without any hatred, but only brotherly (and sisterly) love!
Sorry, you lost me at ”white male cultural value system”. Jesus may have been gay, but please don’t make this about straight white men, or even race/ethnicity – period. There is plenty of homophobia to go around without blaming all white men.
Especially when in the American black community there is vastly more machismo, homophobia, and hate going on towards people like us than in white community. Or why not mention all the hate in the Middle East and Africa for that matter. Are we white men to blame for that too?
”Woke” nonsense.
Oh please save me from….anti-woke nonsense. Modern European and American societies, and their colonial ambitions, are founded on the assumed supremacy of white Christian men. That’s no secret, and we needn’t take offense when it’s pointed out to us–we all have to deal with the prejudices instilled in us.
The experience of freely loving and having sex with another who carries a Penis between his legs is the remedy for fear and guilt. Anyone who has taken a cock in their mouth for the first time knows all about discovering new freedom, and the guilt and fear that comes along with breaking the rules. When we ask who is actively working to prevent the freedom we have enjoyed, the looming figures are white Christian nationalists (which Carl politely called, “a white male cultural value system.”) There is no equivalent obstacle for us.
I agree that men are best for men and I looking for my man too