“Us men worship our cocks and jerk them as often as we need …. I edge for hours, and sometimes don’t off-load for about 10 days or more, but then when I do, it’s the best feeling ever, and continues for about 12 or more squirts, and about 12 more to drain the residue ….. jerking makes me feel manly, and glad to be a man with a cock that I can fondle any time with my hands in my pockets …. I’m proud to call myself a wanker ….. the best feeling in the world ….. and as for sucking another man’s cock …. Yes please !!! ….. best regards to you all …… and keep wanking and be a proud wanker like me.” John
More KnoBledge
A Hapenis Challenge : Make your own “Sur La Lune” video while playing the music below in the background, then come back and post it below. Max 60 seconds
Bliss drops on the moon!
That was fun!
Great load AJ 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻