6 thoughts on “Semen Therapists

  1. Over time, professionals in both physical and mental health have, sometimes grudgingly, had to agree that semen is beneficial in so many ways, on so many levels, as is the method of obtaining it. As the chart above states (I have painstakingly fact-checked this info) semen helps fight depression and is a general mood booster (especially if it’s your own!).
    Physically, it makes you sleep better, lowers your blood pressure and is definitely a great multi-vitamin, containing vitamins C, B12, ascorbic acid, calcium, citric acid, lactic acid, fructose and hundreds of different proteins, not to mention dozens of important trace minerals like magnesium, zinc, potassium, sodium. Now you tell me which you’d rather have; a lousy multi-vite gummy?….. Or a big, sloppy throatful of hot cum from that worked out daddy that cornered you in the weight room? Yeah, I thought so. Such a pig… OINK!

    1. It feels a so much better when your cock is sucked and as your cumming the sperm is swallowed and never leaves the mouth. For me feeling sperm erupting in my mouth is all I want! I want to please the man, looking up his hairy stomach with his cock in my mouth swallowing his cum, then licking him clean.

    1. You know it’s dad that all doctors no matter how much they have learned over the years of their practice. They still have no real clue as to how to help others. Not all doctors are this way. My sister is a psychiatrist with a masters and she always says that depression is a serious issue and needs to be looked at from all angles. Also having close family friends that really love and care for each other is the biggest medicine in the world. If you believe in God ask and you shall receive. ❤️

  2. I’ve been suffering of depression since high school. I’ve taken different anti depressives but almost all of them didn’t help me. From what I read above eating cum can help with depression; swallowing my own cum would work too?

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