20 thoughts on “Immortal Technique

  1. Is this supposed to be hot? You’re destroying property that belongs to everyone, not just you. Go desecrate your own belongings. You don’t have a fetish, you are simply a destructive prick with no regard for others.

    1. Oi!

      Gentlemen chill out

      stress kills…

      It’s his own library

      and his own books.

      Stop the abuse.

      It’s just a bloke having a wank

      Some of the comments were so abusive

      I simply couldn’t publish them

    2. Thank you for clearing that up, Mr. Cox.
      We’ve got more than enough people sitting on the edge of their seats waiting to be offended.

    3. Waiting to be offended.

      I absolutely love that accurate assessment.
      Brothers, remember, we CHOSE to be offended.
      As men we control our own minds. No one else can “make” you do, say, act, be, etc anything. Ever.
      Unless, of course, you don’t control your own human mind.
      Love, not hate.
      Thank you Mr Cox. We need less stress as a species not more.

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