9 thoughts on “The Community?

  1. I love this post I am very attracted to men as well and women so the term “gay” is wrong, my opinion Amar is so right on what he says you go Amar Im behind you totally

    1. I saw this on youtube, I believe it was somethng about Hollywood “Pre code Pulchritude”. i recall towel slapping and Joel Mcrae was in there as well, as i read that he played both sides of the fence with randolf Scott

  2. Amar, you owe no one an explanation.
    Labels are for clothes.
    You are human.
    End of story.
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts brother.
    No one gets to define a man’s sexuality except THAT man. Period.

  3. What a great testament to what some of us are trying to be. So appreciate Ben and Amar sharing with us some of their experience and feelings. It is so helpful as we seek to find ourselfs. Mark.

    1. Thank you Mark.
      May your journey be filled with joy, love, connection and plentiful guilt free, uninhibited joyful man-sex!

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