I LOVE the sauna. It’s my favourite place for getting nude and having a wank. Many times I’m alone but sometimes (hopefully) another bloke is there and we jerk off together or lend a helping hand. Sauna is a place of honesty and just being nude in each other’s company is fine. Had a great sauna in a Sydney hotel last week. Four blokes crammed in squeezed together sweating nude – loves withdrawing and entering sans towel and showering in full view outside the door. All hot and sweaty when a fifth bloke came in a towel. Didn’t drop it but felt nervous at his pussy hiding. None of us hard. None of us lewd. For goodness sake, does he think we want his butt or something?

I had a bloke ask me to put my towel on in a sauna once. It’s only happened once and i have done a lot of sweaty stuff in many saunas on several continents over the years. A square jawed jock entered with his sweaty gym shorts on. I was sitting there on my towel minding my own soft cock hands bi my side and thinking happy thoughts. I acknowledged him politely with nothing more than a nod. He gave an impatient look, sat on the right-angled benches to mine and then stared directly away from me. We didn’t speak. Eventually, I broke the silence by saying: “Warm in here today”. Without his head moving from watching the single spot of the floor in front of him, he said through gritted teeth “put your towel on”. I said “it is”. Then silence. He left soon after. Not sure what I did to offend him and induce such anger. It must have been the size of my enormous soft cock or my inappropriate chatting him up with obvious intent, or perhaps it was me touching him or making some overt sexual move…. All of which could only have occurred in his head as I sat motionless and silent in the dry heat, sweating. Golly. Didn’t know I was so threatening. Perhaps he was offended I didn’t offer to rim him? I assure you yes experience hasn’t stopped me since. I love the sauna – at least its a place for total honesty. – BoB

8 thoughts on “Iđź’•The Sauna

  1. I have had some of the best sex in the sauna. On cruise ships, I always walk in with the towel so that I can sit on it. After a while when everyone is comfortable being hot and naked, I always ask other guys in the sauna if they mind if I have a wank…only once did a bloke say that I should do that in private and so I stopped stroking myself. Every other time, guys just shout out–“Go ahead!” and most join in…It is as if we need to give ourselves permissinon to please ourselves…No one asks permission to indulge in a sweet treat, but we feel that touching ourselves to give pleasure is forbidden and we need others approval before we do it…Odd. Very odd…

  2. A few years ago I visited a gay sauna in London got issued with a towel and entered, making for the steam room .All the towels were on hooks outside so hung mine up and entered nude. It was full of naked men and no room to sit down so I lay on the floor on my back. Within seconds I had feet fondling my body and the masturbating my cock which quickly grew to full on. It was great. Once someone left there was a space on a bench so I squeezed in and sat down, my thighs in full contact with my neighbors. Right away I had hands exploring my thighs and then my cock and balls and my hard cock. I did the same to the guys either side. When I eventually left, my towel had gone and I was left a very wet one. I learned from that always to leave my towel in the locker and explore the delights of the establishment completely nude. Subsequent visits were a real pleasure and I have never worn a towel in a sauna again

  3. I go had an experience with a vicar at a local swimming pool, which had a sauna. I had seen him use the sauna and shower, he was well built and to top it all good looking. So I saw him go back into the sauna and followed. It was obvious what he was after, his towel had somehow got an Eiffel Tower all of its own…thing led to things and we had a bit of sucking and tucking. Had to be careful as the attendants were very alert. Anyway neither of us came we had a chat and it came out that he was a minister who also had gay minister friends. So I left and a couple of weeks later I had to go home as my Gran had died and my father was expecting the vicarage to call to discuss the funeral arrangements. The door bell went and I answered it…you could have knocked me down it was the vicar from the sauna. We both reacted immediately to hide the recognition and I only ever saw him once more and that was at my Grans ceremony. My dad was suspicious as the vicar asked his I was and dad wanted to know why he spoke only to me…I acted all innocent. But I tell you I wish I had met him again as he was well built and hung.

  4. I had a bloke ask me to put my towel on in a sauna once. It’s only happened once and i have done a lot of sweaty stuff in many saunas on several continents over the years. A square jawed jock entered with his sweaty gym shorts on. I was sitting there on my towel minding my own soft cock hands bi my side and thinking happy thoughts. I acknowledged him politely with nothing more than a nod. He gave an impatient look, sat on the right-angled benches to mine and then stared directly away from me. We didn’t speak. Eventually, I broke the silence by saying: “Warm in here today”. Without his head moving from watching the single spot of the floor in front of him, he said through gritted teeth “put your towel on”. I said “it is”. Then silence. He left soon after. Not sure what I did to offend him and induce such anger. It must have been the size of my enormous soft cock or my inappropriate chatting him up with obvious intent, or perhaps it was me touching him or making some overt sexual move…. All of which could only have occurred in his head as I sat motionless and silent in the dry heat, sweating. Golly. Didn’t know I was so threatening. Perhaps he was offended I didn’t offer to rim him? I assure you yes experience hasn’t stopped me since. I love the sauna – at least its a place for total honesty.

    1. When I was in my twenties I joined the local YMCA, I have always been a worker so I didn’t pay much attention to the workout or gym kinda thing but thought what the heck let’s do it. The Y was in a college town about 45 min away but I thought what the hell I doing it. My very first day was probably the most gratifying day of my whole 2 yr membership, after a somewhat virgin gym goer workout I was going to just head home and clean up there before going to work on my way out the door the receptionist said we do have showers here if you want to use them. So what the heck I went in Locke room only to find open showers and a hot tub centered right in front of a full glass front sauna, and there he was wrapped in a towel enjoying the heat I chose the hot tub after my shower as I sat there in front of this God dripping in sweat head cooked back with my eyes closed with just enough opening to gaze at the delicious man he began to spread his legs and open his legs and give me a peek at his cock, he was probably a man around 40ish. It wasn’t long before the towel was completely open and there he sat wide spread sitting on the edge of the bench so that his manliness was hanging down in plain sight. Of course the jack off sessions for me after this were HOT. We continued this show and tell for quite a few months. As I left one day I found out by overhearing another member speaking about the sermon my fantasy man had delivered on sunday..My fantasy love affair stud was the pastor of a church. I will never forget looking and lusting after Pastor Don. I never got to see his cock hard he sure saw mine though, but I long to this day to suck the cum from his beautiful hairy cock.

    2. When entering a sauna the best is when there is someone already in it, especially a naked man with an enormous floppy cock ripe for milking. I would have answered.. indeed it’s hot, thirsty work, perhaps you could oblige with a few drops to quench my thirst. Then proceeded to suck you dry repeatedly.
      If you ever see me in a sauna there will be no silence only groans of pleasure and sucking.

    3. Saunas or showers are great, seeing a naked mans cock, watching it go from floppy to hard while he seductively strokes it.

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