7 thoughts on “I Fucked A Priest

  1. As a widower, it been rough not having the sexual contact with one mate, which hard enough trying not to give the desire of the soul. While the wife was sick, my only release was jacking off. There still a desire of the flesh, which is hard to deal with at times.

  2. I did not find out the man I orally satisfied and fucked was a priest until the following morning. I’m glad I didn’t for two reasons. One, it might have made the night before awkward. Two, we might not have had our great morning conversation, after which he sat on my face again and told me to eat his ass to prepare him to get fucked again. Never saw him again but I hope he remembers me with a smile like I do when I remember him.

  3. I want to know if the picture of the passive man that is holding a rosary belongs to a porn video, thank you

  4. Even priests can be drawn into things they never thought they would do. They are sexual beings too. They perhaps have to overcome mor than most to take a step to follow a growing desire and to discover their true sexuality.

  5. I had been called back home as my grandmother was dying. However there was a sauna at the local swimming pool I knew was active! So there I am sitting opposite this hairy hunk with his legs wide open with this thick flaccid dick. We don’t actually have sex but a bit of casual touching and talking.
    So my gran dies and the family are getting things organised. My father says the vicar is calling to discuss the funeral arrangements. The doorbell goes and I answer it only to be confronted by the guy from the sauna…the vicar. After the cremation the vicar approaches me god he is so hunky and we have a quick chat. But my father confronts me and asks why the vicar talked to me the only thing I could think of was to say he had asked if I was okay? I never saw him again, pity as he was a real man.

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