Here at the HaPenis project we have consulted with some of the world’s leading cock selfie artist to bring you the ultimate guide in how to take the perfect cock selfie. To take the perfect cock selfie here are the top 10 Cock Selfie Tips To Consider. Please add your cock selfie tips below

  1. Lightening
    Lightening is the most important. You will get better results when using natural light outdoors. If indoors face towards a window so your getting the natural light, and turn sunscreen on.
  1. Colour Therapy
    Hold different colour pages under your balls and take your cock selfie. You can also use magazine pages or even newspaper. The colours that look good in your cock selfie hold a secret, that is called colour therapy. You could even use the pages of your favourite book.
  2. Never use the flash
    Turn the flash off. Use other light from lamps candles or even from your fridge. Be creative, take your time. Don’t forget to breathe.
  3. Smile Therapy
    Even though this is a cock selfie make sure you have a huge smile when taking the picture. It really brings a good energy to your art. You see your cock a different way when you smile.
  4. Lots, and lots and lots
    Take at a very minimum of 200 cock selfie pictures. When you bring the images up on your computer use the 60 second test. Glance quickly at the images and in 60 seconds delete most so that your left with about 20. In the next 60 seconds delete most so you are left with 5 or 6 images. Then post the best image below.
  5. Cock down, Head up?
    Try some cock selfies in the cock up and head down position, while alternating to cock up, head down.
  6. Cock Selfie Stick
    Using a selfie stick for your stiff prick will make your images look like as if they were taken by a professional photographer.
  7. Embrace Natural Erection
    Photograph your cock in all it’s magick. Dont spend time desperatly trying to get a hard on, as that will make you look like a failed porn star. Butt, do embrace your natural erections.
  8. Always Read The Label
    An artist once sold one of his cock pics for nearly $500,000. That’s why its really important to label any images you are putting on the net, otherwise some one might steal your art. Don’t forget to keep the original image.
  9. Shoot A Load
    Make sure to also film your cock selfie sessions at the same time. And always finish your session bi/ shooting a load on film. Your CUMM VIDEO, and post it below.

74 thoughts on “My Penis Selfie!

  1. Yes, I am addicted to penis selfies, I think it’s my urge to share that wonderful state of lust…and not necessarily to completion. Appreciating one’s erection and how good it makes your body feel is enough…sometimes lasting for hours.

  2. I know it’s my 3rd cock selfie on this post but to put it bluntly I’m a massive fan of taking a cock pic/cock selfie….if you scrolled through my Google photos on my phone I have about 10,000+ photos and 90% of them are a close up of my rock hard throbbing cock! ✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅👅👅😜😜😜 every angel of my cock possible and the remaining 10% are other blokes cock selfies so I’m just posting another cock selfie …a few I took today ✊🏻🍆💦💦💦👅😜😜😜 enjoy!

    1. It’s my cock, it’s not anonymous, you are free to compare if you wish. Thank you for your kind comments

  3. Hi Mike! This is real CockArt!!! I would have liked you as my artmodel!!
    Keep up the good work,man! Dennis

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