20 thoughts on “Exposing Your Rosebuddy

  1. Great article… unless you have a genetic predisposition, illness, or on medication where sunlight is not a good idea… limited sun is good! Just don’t burn!! take it slowly!!

    1. Thank you for your beautiful arse hole Gregg! Something I’d definitely like to come across on a sunny day! Would it like to be kissed in the sun?

    1. Yes. Rare – butt still possible. My top flat in the New Town of Edinburgh afforded a cupola, which when arsended bi ladder unfolded a flat valley in the roof – a sort of roof cleavage where, on sunny days my bud could be pricked by warm Scottish sunlight. I noted from time to time various others of my neighbours each on their roof stripping bare – or so I imagined, as I could only see their top halves. The young lady across the street waved once.

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