Give yourself total permission to groan, growl, and even shout out your enjoyment, your pleasure, your ecstasy as you masturbate! Thrash and rumble, bang and knock, make slurpy slipping sloppy sounds with lubrication squirting from between your fingers. Make the bed knock against the wall, or the chair or couch creak and hop! Dance around howling! Make loud rhythmic sounds that will make it obvious to anyone who hears, that you are masturbating athletically and enjoying the heck out of it! Bruce P. Grether

It is so great being a man, having a cock to pleasure and enjoy. I always groan growl and howl as I masturbate my cock and love hearing other men enjoy their cocks.


3 thoughts on “Groan Growl Howl

    1. What an incredible video Gregg! Would’ve loved to have seen you doing that, I’m envious of any guy that would have seen this 😈

  1. It is so great being a man, having a cock to pleasure and enjoy. I always groan growl and howl as I masturbate my cock and love hearing other men enjoy their cocks.

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