Hello Mr Cox, I’m a gay man and I’ve been fucking this straight guy for about a year. He doesn’t want to kiss, hug or get emotional. He just likes his ass played with….and then likes the idea of someone older (he’s in his 20’s and I’m in my 40’s) taking control and sliding a dick up his ass. He had done lots of fingering so actually entering him the first time took some time and patience (which I have lots). He was so proud of himself the first time he could take me all the way in….and then even more proud when he was able to let me get off while fucking him and him shoot while my dick was in him. He says a past girlfriend played with his amazing ass once and that started everything. His present girlfriend rims him (which he enjoy me doing before I fuck him). I am happy to him give him a pleasure that many straight men would like to have but are afraid to ask because of all the other gay stuff they may be forced to do. I have no problem of focusing of pleasuring his ass only. I also enjoy teaching him how it pleasures me. – usaontop

There is just something HOT about making a married man moan!! Allowing them to talk dirty or demand an action from me is so EROTIC. Just lay them back spread eagle and love on the manhood the carry in a way that will bring them back!! – JHONNY FLORES

15 thoughts on “Fucking Straight

  1. Dear Mr. Cox–Greetings to you and to all of my distant cousins(very distant) in the U.K. I’m writing from America (what’s left of it) to offer my thanks, for your unique website. It is a continuing source of comfort to me. Especially when I am lonely. I am an unwanted,unneeded and unseen 75 year old man with Asperger’s Syndrome. At 19, I was traumatized by the cruel rejection of gay men. I tried to disappear into the wallpaper, for safety sake. Yes, I am fey, effete and effeminate. I’ve also been called “wimpy”. I foolishly believed that if I were to keep a low profile, I could avoid verbal and physical abuse. I now trust no one and live quietly on what had been a horse farm in the northern part of the state of Florida. I have rarely been asked about my marital status. There is a Spanish proverb that may explain why. “One Does Not Ask The Question, When One Knows The Answer”. What’s my point you ask? Gentlemen, please show compassion and empathy. Begenerous in spirit to one another. Extend grace to another who needs your affirmation. I am finished with psychotherapy and life itself. I will be travelling to Switzerland in the near future to end my life. To be “put to death”. It is too late for me. But, please do not let a man face another day without a smile and a kind word from you. It could mean the world to him. That’s all I’m asking of you. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

  2. He is not straight if you are fucking him> He may just want the sex amd t wants to keep it on that basis.

    1. It isn’t for us to determine another man’s sexuality it is for them to. Period, the end. Labels are for clothes.
      You would be more accurate stating you may be uncomfortable with it but basically it isn’t any of our business. Peace and love and HaPenis.

  3. Married straight men. Stressed and unappreciated at home, where the martial sex has become equivalent of a warm blow up doll. These are the men I love the most, still feel a little guilty cause married and all. But, once you dissolve their thin defense of not being gay, with the message of it’s not gay, it’s one guy helping out another. When they nut, the look of satisfaction which I like to think links back to their days of freedom, is just so cute.

  4. BIG KISS for whoever put the three rimming vids up on this post. They really capture the beauty and arse-licking deliciousness of the act.

    No less distracting is Jhonny Flores’s naked body. You are so HOT!

  5. I have known I’m gay since I was like 11 , I would go to the neighbors house and the oldest brother was a 17 yr old who I’m gonna say was at time where he liked the look of his body because he was naked alot. I think it was then I realized the total deliciousness of a straight guy. I didn’t see very many other queer guys as i got older I zoned in only straight guys. I guess it was the excitement of seeing them later with wives or girlfriends knowing that the cock that fulfills desires for them was filling my mouth when they were not around. I don’t think there is anything more seductive than a straight man moaning as I swallow his entire manhood, the shutter of pure extasy as he exspells his life seed that I made boil in his balls into my hungry throat.

    1. There is just something HOT about making a married man moan!! Allowing them to talk dirty or demand an action from me is so EROTIC. Just lay them back spread eagle and love on the manhood the carry in a way that will bring them back!!

  6. When I was promoted to a higher managers position the day came for me to move on to a bigger challenge. I supervised an amazing fleet of hardworking men, I’m gay and my entire fleet knew maybe all didn’t approve but all respected on my last day at the office one of my crew personally came up to me wished me success as I was moving up. The evening of my last day at the office I sat up late watching TV at 1 am my phone buzzed , it was Jeff asking the manly question : what’s up?” After continuous chat he said maybe we could get together for a beer. Long story short , it turned into 3 years of sucking his cock and drinking every drop of his sweet married man seed. We would have breakfast as we called it as early as 6 am.eventually he agreed to letting me video tape a few of our sessions. It’s been over for about 7 years now but I still have the videos and time to time I watch them masterbate and imagine making him moan as he filled my throat with his manly spunk while holding his beautiful ass in both my hands ever since then I have been addicted to the cock of a married man, the husband ,the father the forbidden fruit

    1. Right on brother!
      I’m more cautious now than when younger but have had fantastic fun with straight men who have a tough time hiding their attraction.
      Currently there is a maintenance man who digs checking me out.
      I’ll just tell him the truth that he is smoking hot.
      Men love compliments as much as women.


    2. I have since retired from a do what I say company and work for myself I have a family that I do quite a bit of handyman things for , the husband is a 57 year old professional with beautiful grey hair and a melt your pants smile. I have dropped hints that I think he is sexy …well my exact phrase was . GOD YOUR DELICIOUS!! To my surprise his comment was your pretty sexy too. I don’t push it though I have jacked off imagining his beautiful hard cock spewing in my mouth! He knows the interest is there so I’m sure he’s educated enough to know the ball is in his court! I mean no ill to his wife or family… BUT I have to have this man!!

    3. Jhonny you have similar experiences to myself.
      I am interested only in the straight guys married or otherwise!
      It has been amazing and its taught me a lot about men and desires.
      Agreed, compliments are the way to go. Don’t be bashful brothers. Men are peacocks and will appreciate compliments from another peacock. Some may resist but only because they want to “prove” their manhood to any other men around imo. For those men, they know that I know they dig the admiration.

      And for anyone wondering about making contact with straight dudes, for me it is simply in the way they check you out.
      There is the peacock look over that all men do and there is the lusting look over.
      Its easy to discern. It turns me on to see men lusting even when they won’t act.
      Rock on brother!

  7. Hi, when I was 23, I also used to fuck a str8 man.
    He was married with 4 kids. All adults, except for 1, he was about to finish high school, 18yo.

    So the str8 guy and I met, of all places at an adult bookstore. I was standing next to him and I turned to him and he was stroking his cock. I touched him and he let me… then he stroked mine also. And after shooting our cum each other’s underwear, we both left and went home with cum soaked underwear. After he dropped me off at my home, he asked for my number. I gave it to him.

    He got in touch with me at work. We met up again, we went to his apartment. He told me that that was where he liked to bring guys and play. I thought he was gonna fuck me, but I was wrong. He said he liked the tone of my olive skin and that he wanted me to go all the way with him. He had a 7 in. uncut white cock. I have a 6.5 in. kinda thick uncut cock, but I got that snipped when I was 45yo. That’s another story.

    He told me he liked getting fucked so that’s how it started.
    He divorced his wife 3 months later. He said he felt liberated.
    He eventually fell in love with and we lived together for 7 years. Even though he was older than me we fucked like rabbits!

    We parted ways and to this day, he’s still my friend. I miss and think about him sometimes. I call every now and then. He’s in a nursing home now. His children put him there and he still remembers me. He used to always call me,”my Indian boy.”


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