5 thoughts on “Cock Dialogues

  1. The concept of faithfulness is important within a committed relationship. On the Hapenis Project, many married men raise concerns about being unfaithful should they engage in sexual activities with other men. Misgivings are even expressed where marital sexual relations have ceased as a result of the wife’s loss of desire. Different men have different notions of what it means to remain faithful. For some, being unfaithful would include masturbating or looking at pornography. For others, the cross-over into unfaithfulness would start at kissing a man, mutual masturbation, oral sex or anal penetration.

    Yet, sex is just one factor in a committed and faithful relationship. A hard-working man remains faithful to his wife and kids by hauling himself out of bed every morning to slog at some construction-site, warehouse or office. He remains faithful by providing a home, food, clothing and security. He expresses faithfulness through giving his love, attention, care and time. Also, marriage does not confer ownership over the other person’s body. During marital intercourse, a woman has the right to withdraw consent at any point and the man must immediately stop. Similarly, the man’s body remains his own property to use as he deems appropriate. As long as his actions are not harming anyone else, a man is surely free to use his own body for self-pleasure and self-expression?

    As such, remaining faithful is not just about sex, and a man enjoying his own body beyond the confines of marriage is not necessarily being unfaithful. Each man is free to decide for himself, based on his own conscience and moral precepts.

    1. This is a truly complicated issue and one I have wrestled with as a man in a long-term committed marriage to a woman I love and who I still love to have sex with. At the same time, my erotic interest in cock and homosexuality is undeniable.
      As for faithfulness I feel that one of the important distinctions not mentioned in the comments above is the partner’s knowledge/acceptance of the man’s actions. No doubt there are some women who are comfortable telling their husband to go find sex where he wants to, there are even some who will help him find it and will want to watch. On the other end of the spectrum are women who clearly would consider sex with another person, regardless of sex, outside the marriage to be infidelity and a breach of the marriage. This is a fair description of my situation.
      Where it gets tricky for many men is when the wife does not want sex any longer and then expects her husband to be involuntarily celibate. Or when the woman wants sex infrequently and expects that to be “enough” for the man – meaning a tacit expectation that the man will not masturbate. In my way of thinking this approach from a man’s partner is really problematic.

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