14 thoughts on “Foreskin Propaganda

  1. Nice to see one of my pics on here, this is my cock erect and I love having a foreskinmy wanking etc such apleasure !!

  2. I’m sorry that cut/uncut can be such a source of division in our community.
    I’m uncut, and if I’m honest I prefer to have fun with uncut guys.
    I’m not rejecting anyone because they’re cut, however.
    And I think there’s many cut guys who would value our understanding of what they experience as trauma and mutilation.
    Equally there are many cut guys and cut admirers who find their cut cocks to be the peak of phallic beauty.
    So whilst celebrating our foreskins, let’s be inclusive, accepting, understanding and appreciative of the diverse forms of the phallic gods that bless us all.

  3. love my uncut cock, can edge all night long till my foreskin is ripe and dripping with precum, love to cum in my own foreskin and then pull it back loaded with cum and let a lucky cocksucker all slurp it up, ufffff

  4. Very early on when I began to peruse M2M material online I came across “cock-docking”. I had no idea it was a thing but quickly became one of my favrouite categories! It looks like a beautiful way for men to connect!

    1. I’ll never forget the first time an uncut beauty at the Baths (that I’d been drooling over for half an hour), came up to my boner and slipped his ample foreskin over my cock head. Closing his fist, he slid it no more than three or four times and I shot instantly. HOT. And I was smitten for life.

  5. Thank the gods of the uncircumcised cock ! All those beautiful uncut cocks to worship…………….i only wish i was one of them having not given the choice!
    I adore intact cocks…………they fascinate me ……..tease me and most of all please me when im docking in them…….fingering inside them or chewing on them.Just say ”NO” to circumcision !

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