9 thoughts on “Destroy Excuses

  1. How can I find the Destroy Excuses stud? I want to marry him lol What a beautiful man…and it has nothing to do with his beautiful penis lol I know that his ass is muscular too. Damn…

    1. Hahaa, nice, but is that possibly half the ‘debate? Great pic, but as we say here he can’t hold his piss, it’s falling out as fast as he pours it in…….
      Back on topic though, A.NoN – I may be misreading your name but I doubt that you are a nothing/absence, I too struggle to label myself, not because I don’t know myself but because none of the labels fit really. So I’m just a something and that’s fine.

    2. I just love the sex positive nature of this blog. It makes me feel free to know that loving cock and ass and beautiful men, young and old, is a statement of saying life is worth living, being kind and generous when you are able is normal. That love is love. And loving consentous sex is the ultimate form of kindness between two or as many men as you desire.

    3. Beautifully put, Kurt. I’ve cum to accept that philosophy a bit late in life but it has opened my being to the beauty of it all.

  2. I’m one that hates labels, why do I have to be in any catigory , gay, staright, bi etc, I’m joe and thats enough for me , but it seems to be more prominate in the gay society, I think everyone has the same sexuality as everyone but some choose to act on it and not pretend!!

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