6 thoughts on “Exchanging Male Massages

  1. Naked male massages are a delight..Being massaged and at the same time having your (hard) dick manipulated, sucked is an extremely pleasurable ecstasy..

  2. I love this page, with its glorious male bodies and BoB’s incomparably delicious word-massage! And thank you, BoB, for reminding us that the “brain is our biggest erotic organ” and that hurrying is the death of great sex. “Love, all alike, no season knows nor clime,/
    Nor hours, days, months, which are the rags of time.”

  3. I am big, 8 inches so love having a two-handed massage too, quite firm, leading to orgasm. I also love light feathery touches which can really make my cock twitch and throb. I’m keen to find out about other methods, I quite like the idea of pulling the shaft skin back quite tightly to increase the intensity of the massage at the knob. I have ejaculated quite far in the past doing this.

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