I’m an older gay man and have only had sexual relations with str8 men. I’m not sure why. I know that some say that if you have sex with men then your not str8 but gay. Well I know a lot of str8 men that have sex with men on occasion. Emotionally they are attracted to women and dont want that kind of relationship with another man. Just the sex. Well recently the brother of my sisters husband came to visit over the Xmas holiday. I’m 42 yrs old and he is 22. We have known each other for 6 yrs and have always been buddies. But this time he came to visit things changed between us and we had sex twice. Afterwards it was very confusing for me. I’m not sure if I crossed a line that I should not have since he is so much younger than me and is family by marriage. We have talked about it and hes fine with everything. We are closer now as friends then we were before. But I still sort of feel guilty. str8 acting? JoE

5 thoughts on “Emotionally Attracted

  1. That’s exactly what we older guys need.guys our age between 50 and 80+🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻come on guys show yourself don’t hide behind the blinds in your hours look out for each other. Guys in the Netherlands don’t hé 🙈 ☺️ shy.

  2. I suspect the guilt might come from the family element more than the age difference. How exactly did his visit make the jump from him visiting to you jumping each other? With more context we might be able to piece together where your guilt stems from.

  3. He’s an adult and you’re an adult so as long as the sex was consensual there is no line crossed. You now have a closer connection to a man in your family circle, so how can that be bad?

  4. Im confused. I know who the 22 year old is but I am not sure who the 42 year old is, and why that picture was put there. Its not the 22 year old and I do not think its the 42 year old, so who’s picture is that? thanks Dean

  5. I sounds as though your 22 year old friend got a good deal, having sex with you, lucky for both as you are still friend. Straight guys or straight acting guys can learn a lot from us who are more experienced and open minded about sex, about new experiences, and have less hang-ups. We certainly know more about pleasing a man than those who only know their own private repetoire.

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