9 thoughts on “Deeply Emotional

  1. This is great news for all men, and by extension, all of society. For the last few decades the availability of men only places has been decreasing precipitously. We are at the point now, where there is total “equality” for men and women in all areas of life, from Boy Scouts to the board room to sports locker rooms. No one seems to have noticed that the social and psychological collateral damage presently suffered by men has increase in proportion to this phenomenon.
    For this reason I am ecstatic that straight men, bi men, gay men, trans men have all, to a growing degree, embraced the “bromance” construct as an acceptable relationship that all men can benefit from.

  2. After seeing Mr. Cox’s request to place videos vertically, I’d like to throw in my own to put ALL videos vertical and in color if possible. They’re much more entertaining!

  3. This is such a useful section for men, and young men in particular. I remember during my single sex school days and my years studying, that I was emotionally close to a number of other young people of my own age. These relationships, in certain instances, were amazingly close and highly valued by both myself and others. There was a real emotional gap when I adopted the heteronormative role expected of me resulting in me not losing these friendships but them becoming a lot less close, especially when they became involved in monogamous relationships with women. This is such a brilliantly warm and accepting website, thanks to Seb and all involved.

  4. Most likely this will change the nature of male-female relationships. If I can basically just sit down with the boys and a straight porno whenever I’m aroused. Though she’ll have to get used to it.

    It won’t handle everything, but this is how my friends and I dealt with our needs.

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