7 thoughts on “Ecstatic Path

  1. There use to be a place were men went for brother hood. They were called baths. And they were shut down because of aids.

  2. Luckily I found a married man like myself and stayed with him 1×1 many years 45 years in fact for
    Me perfect until he passed away , now in a relationship for seven years you have to trust each other, also you have to be extremely careful with passwords , discreet and every precaution but it’s worth it , a loving friendship is for myself perfection
    I started at 15 years old I new I had Met My Partner c

  3. Im thirty three and I’m not sure I’m ready, I desire sex and I’ve been on some hook up sites but I back out and take things no further.
    I use toys and like it.
    But to be vulnerable and naked and to trust someone totally is something I fear I can’t do just yet.

    1. Mark…so wait forever!
      Be safe…find a man you trust, and LIVE LOVE & LAUGH while you are young!

  4. I have done all those things, and I feel so lucky. To wrap my arms and legs around another man’s body. To feel how his strength matches my own, not in a combative way, but in harmony. How our muscles play against each other, how our body hair generates a different kind of hear as it meets and merges, how our senses get heightened by each others’ scents, and kindles something that can be described almost as racial memory written in our DNA, of ancestral lust and love. Something I don’t understand on a conscious level, but that my brain decodes, peeling away all my inhibitions and notions of civilized behavior, layer by layer. Until all that’s left of me is a cave dwelling animal who only needs earthly satisfaction. And he gives it to me, so generously and willing.

    Experiencing that masculine kindness and love is one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve had and it’s made me into a whole person. A whole man.

    1. What you describe is my own experience, word by word. It took me 50 years of my life to embrace and hug myself. I’m sooo happy I did it.
      I am a happy man!

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