Men definitely enjoy being objectified. It’s a natural part of masculinity, and also of our anatomy. The phallus is, in and of itself, an object. It aggressively stands out, it wants to be noticed, it penetrates both you mind and your attention, as well as you body. This is why men all throughout history have never understood women’s aversion to being objectified. To them it’s affront, to us it’s flattery. To objectify a woman is to diminish her, but to objectify a man is to worship him. I objectify every man I’m with. I make him feel like an idol. His body is my monument to worship and adore. His pleasure is my command. He is my god. And I’m his. Two beautiful objects carved out of flesh by evolution, made to perfection. – Ben

Sexual objectification is the act of treating a person solely as an object of sexual desire. Some men may enjoy being sexually objectified in consensual and controlled contexts, such as within the confines of a consensual role-play scenario or intimate relationship. In these situations, it can be a form of erotic exploration and a way to fulfill fantasies. For some, being objectified can provide a sense of empowerment. It can make them feel desired and attractive, boosting their self-esteem and confidence. Desires: Just as there is a wide range of desires and fantasies among women, the same applies to men. Some individuals may derive pleasure from being objectified, while others may not find it appealing at all. It’s crucial to recognize that preferences vary widely among individuals.

6 thoughts on “Do Men Enjoy Sexual Objectification?

  1. Yes. This is obvious to me. It is part of my (and I imagine most men’s) sexual fantasy. We love the idea of being a desired thing, for itself, without the complications of a relationship.

  2. I am having this experience with my ex, who is 20 years younger than me. And I have to say, for some reason, the sex is more satisfying, as I explore and they explore more. Being Bi and finally having someone to come out with and her allowing me to explore and having her being a visual participant with anther partner, makes us wanting to venture into more areas. I let her control most of the situations, whether it is just with her or another lover.

  3. Men definitely enjoy being objectified. It’s a natural part of masculinity, and also of our anatomy. The phallus is, in and of itself, an object. It aggressively stands out, it wants to be noticed, it penetrates both you mind and your attention, as well as you body.
    This is why men all throughout history have never understood women’s aversion to being objectified. To them it’s affront, to us it’s flattery. To objectify a woman is to diminish her, but to objectify a man is to worship him.
    I objectify every man I’m with. I make him feel like an idol. His body is my monument to worship and adore. His pleasure is my command. He is my god. And I’m his. Two beautiful objects carved out of flesh by evolution, made to perfection.

    1. Agree 100%. This is a very important part of the difference between men’s and women’s views on sex. Women want it both ways: ‘Want me for my personality and being and also be hot for my bod.’ Well, that’s nice and happens, but it’s just not the way men look at it. Men (well, me anyway) can’t easily jump from lustful objectification of a beautiful body and the gestalt embrace of the whole id. Sorry. We just lie about it and that works until it doesn’t.

    2. Yes, Ben, I totally agree with you. I experience what you describe with every man I’m with. This fact, surely, is why sex between men is the ultimate turn-on for men.

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