Cock pumps do make your cock bigger, but it takes years of consistent, dedicated pumping sessions. It’s not so much that it actually adds any size, as much as it trains your cock to get to its absolute full potential when erect. You could call it giving your cock a workout. I used to do this years ago, and it worked for me. The first time I pumped my cock it was quite awkward. Had to give it several tries before I could get it to work. I finally got a nice seal a just surfed porn, and kinda forgot about it. After about 40mins I looked down and saw a monster inside that tube. I couldn’t believe my cock was thicker than a beer can, and several cm longer than I’d ever seen it before. Even though that size wasn’t consistent, it was crazy fun. The extreme thickness comes mostly from the skin being swollen to about 3 times it’s normal thickness.

You will know from how you cock feel spungy to the touch, if you squeeze it you’ll leave finger indentations for a few seconds. You may also see some heavy bruising or little red dots. Don’t worry. The bruise will fade in a few days. That just means you’ve overdone it, and pumped too fast. Go slower, add vacuum gradually. The super size will last for about 30mins, even when soft. I used swim a lot. I loved to pump my cock right before hitting the pool. Used to get long looks of amazement and envy when hit those showers. And of course the bulge made my swim trunks look great too! – Enjoy your new pump! – Ben

Für Alina is a work for piano composed by the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt.

9 thoughts on “Do Cock Pumps Make Your Cock Bigger?

  1. I’ve been pumping for about ten years now. It’s been a remarkable journey but I really do like it, especially when I’m walking around my backyard in the warm sunshine all pumped up. I wonder if my neighbors can see me but again I don’t really care.

    My pumping hasn’t made my cock and balls permanently any bigger but it works for a little while. It lasts for about a day or a little longer. It sure is fun to do!

    I’m attaching a picture form one of my sessions outdoors for you.

  2. There is a Spanish saying that says: “What nature does not give you, Salamanca does not lend you.” This means that if you do not bring it from the factory, it is difficult for you to obtain it. All of us who have used depressant pumping inside a tube to increase the size of our penis with depression will always be a maximum size within our physical possibility. This is; Any exaggeration in achieving greater results will only cause physics to show results that we do not want. This is exaggerated increases due to excess lymphatic fluids filling intercellular areas that will not be natural expansions of our penis and that are not exactly growth, but edemas of lymphatic fluid that are generally located in areas without skin such as the junction of the glans with the foreskin that that adopt a semi-transparent donut shape of heme lymph that is called a Donut in pumping jargon.
    Indeed, the perseverance of doing Jelquing-type stretching exercises manages to stretch as far as one’s own nature allows, it is true. And constantly performing these exercises also allows an increase that would not otherwise be achieved, but never beyond what nature and/or genetics allow, without going to the extremes of damaging tissues or causing trauma. due to ruptures or spills of veins taken to the extreme of their possibilities.
    Beyond the permanent results, which are never as many as one would like, I must say that the use of depressor or vacuum tubes ends up being a sexual pastime that has personally attracted me, as much as the erotic aspect of their maneuvers, like the enormous fantasy that is generated in my head when I put on said tubes. It is known to all that hot water at a comfortable level (never boiling that produces terrible burns) produces great facilitation in our members for their general dilation, in addition to the pleasure of inserting our penis in a pleasantly hot solution. Everything that is done in this sense will be good as long as it does not take our member to extremes that can become very painful problems.
    Finally, I tell you a fantasy that resulted from this practice. We all normally have a considerable erection in the morning due to the fact that our bladder is full of urine which, due to the pressure of the bladder on our prostate, naturally produces the erection of the penis. So one morning it occurred to me to put the depressor tube in that state of erection. And by doing so, not only did I increase said erection, but I fulfilled an old dream of feeling someone suck my penis, in the morning while I was half asleep, for a long time, until the urge to pee made me decide to empty even though My bladder was only partially removed, inside the tube with great depression. Doing that was a very pleasant thing, because when the tube was filled with my urine, my penis felt a very pleasant heat, while I sucked in the air inside, in order to maintain the constant depression as the urine entered the tube from my urethra Half seriously, half jokingly, I had the impression that some fairy was sucking my member with her hot mouth, while I was lying with my cock very stiff, despite the cold of that winter.
    I must clarify that I do not use a depressant pump, I simply suck on the hose with my mouth and with a Mohr clamp (those used in laboratories) I close or open said hose.
    Anything, feel free to ask. San Google solves language problems…
    Thank you for reading…

    Hay un dicho español que dice: “Lo que la naturaleza no te da, Salamanca no te presta” Esto quiere decir que sin no lo traes de fábrica, es difícil que lo obtengas. Todos los que hemos utilizado el bombeo depresor dentro de un tubo para aumentar con la depresión el tamaño de nuestro pene, siempre será un tamaño máximo a nuestra posibilidad física. Esto es; cualquier exageración en lograr mayores resultados, solo lograrán que la física muestre resultados que no deseamos. Esto es aumentos exagerados por excesos de líquidos linfáticos llenando áreas inter celulares que no serán expansiones naturales de nuestro pene y que no son precisamente crecimiento, sino edemas de líquido linfáticos que generalmente se ubican en áreas sin piel como la unión del glande con el prepucio que que adoptan una forma de rosquilla semi transparente de hemo linfa que en la jerga de bombeo le llama Donut.
    Efectivamente la constancia de hacer ejercicios del tipo Jelquing elongaciones logra estirar hasta donde la naturaleza propia permite, es cierto. Y que el efectuar esto ejercicios constantemente, también permiten un incremento que de otra forma no se lograrían, pero nunca más allá de lo que la naturaleza y/o genética te lo permiten, sin llegar a los extremos de dañar los tejidos, o producirse traumatismos por roturas o derrames de venas llevadas al extremo de sus posibilidades.
    Más allá de los resultados permanentes, que nunca son tantos como uno quisiera, debo decir que el uso de los tubos depresores o de vacío, terminan siendo un pasatiempo de tipo sexual que personalmente me a atraído, tanto como es aspecto erótico de sus maniobras, como la enorme fantasía que se genera en mi cabeza cuando me pongo dichos tubos. Es por todos conocido el hecho que el agua caliente en un grado confortable (nunca hirviendo que produzcan terribles quemaduras) produce en nuestros miembros una gran facilitación para su dilatación general, además del placer de insertar nuestro pene en una solución agradablemente caliente. Todo lo que se haga en ese sentido, estará bien en la medida de no llevar nuestro miembro a extremos que pueden transformarse en problemas muy dolorosos.
    Para finalizar, les cuento una fantasía que resultó de esta prácticas. Todos tenemos normalmente en las mañanas, una erección considerable debido al hecho de tener nuestra vejiga llena de orina que, por la presión de la vejiga en nuestra próstata, produce naturalmente la erección del pene. Es así que una mañana se me ocurrió ponerme el tubo depresor en ese estado de erección. Y al hacerlo, no solo incrementé dicha erección, sino que cumplí un viejo sueño de sentir que alguien me chupara el pene, por la mañana estando semi dormido, por un buen rato, hasta que las ganas de hacer pis, me hicieron decidir vaciar aunque fuera solo parcialmente mi vejiga, dentro del tubo con gran depresión. Hacer eso fue una cosa muy agradable, porque al llenarse el tubo con mi orina, mi pene sintió un calor muy agradable, mientras yo aspiraba el aire de su interior, a fin de mantener la depresión constante a medida que la orina ingresaba a tubo desde mi uretra. Medio en serio, medio en broma, tuve la impresión que algún hada me chupaba el miembro con su boca caliente, estando yo acostado con mi verga muy tiesa, pese al frio de ese invierno.
    Debo aclarar que yo no uso una bomba depresora, simplemente chupo de la manguerita con mi boca y con una pinza de Mohr (Las que se usan en los laboratorios) cierro o abro dicha manguerita.
    Cualquier cosa, pregunten sin problemas. San Google soluciona los problemas del idioma…
    Gracias por leer…

  3. Hi I just bought a cock pump and just arrived yesterday. I bought the one for the beginner, my questions are:
    – is it safe to use cock pump?
    – will it damage the tissue and the blood vessel on my cock?,
    – does it really would make my cock bigger? or perhaps slightly bigger??
    Thanks, sorry for the silly questions.

  4. I started pumping my dick 23 years ago, but I had to realize that it doesn’t grow permanently. I’ve been pumping my dick together with my testicles for 20 years, because they grow more spectacularly. You have to be careful with cock pumping, because if someone does it too strongly, it can cause permanent damage.
    I love it when people look at my huge bump and wonder.

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