4 thoughts on “Ricmay’s Cock Ring

  1. It’s nice to be able to put on a cock ring and really just go bout your business at home , on the beach , where ever ya want really , it’s not really a gay thing anymore these days . I love how they tend to make ya hang nice n meaty . Just got to make sure it’s the right size for your anatomy , that’s the most important thing of consideration.
    I call it my “Dong jewelry” when I’m wearing it , especially if someone makes a comment bout it , of course I’ll engage them with titalating conversation immediately. If your balls tend to lift up almost on top of your cock when and as your fucking , which we all do that to various degrees, a nicely fit cock ring is the best a most effective thing to remedy the problem , they also can lengthen the session once you become use to the sensation and affect of the ring !
    When I traveled in my younger days there was a leather shop in desert out side of Vegas the guy there would fit ya for size and make ya one while ya wait , pick out the gage or grade of the leather, thickness and snap or stud fasteners , etc , all ya had to do was get naked when ya walked in and he’d know what n why ya came in to see him for .

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