A majority of men are bi and don’t know it yet or don’t wish to admit it. That is my two cents. I’ve been with women and men. I was raised Catholic and was led to believe any homosexual thoughts, let alone behavior was sinful and demonic, which looking back was complete BS. I am an atheist now and don’t care what society or religions perpetuate. I enjoy both genders because each as their own energy and beauty. Men especially are more powerful and intense. When men are alone together in private, magical things happen. There is an abiding love, a brotherhood that is indescribable. Women are gentle flowers. Men are beasts. It’s just in our DNA. I am divorced from two women. I have one grown son from each marriage. I tried to pass as straight, but couldn’t deal with the lies and extramarital affairs. I had to come clean. Every man I was sexually with was also a married man with kids whose families wound’t understand. So many men are waging personal battles with who they inherently are. Luckily, my ex-wives have grown to accept me and our families have blended to become inclusive co-parents and good friends. Yet, I still identify as bisexual and would have intercourse with the right woman again. I just don’t want to hide who I am. Although I do lean towards men more because of the sex and bond we share. I wish more people adopted critical thinking skills and realized that whatever consenting adults do to and with one another in private, is THEIR BUSINESS. – Mark
Critical Thinking
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