I have no fucking idea. My soul is from elsewhere, I’m sure of that, and I intend to end up there. Who looks out with my eyes? What is the soul? I cannot stop asking. If I could taste one sip of an answer, I could break out of this prison for drunks. I didn’t come here of my own accord, and I can’t leave that way. Whoever brought me here, will have to take me home. Rumi

I love this kind of speculation, which I notice is increasingly widespread nowadays. Regarding the sentence “My soul is from elsewhere…and I intend to end up there”, a wise person once pointed out to me that we have never left “that” place (which is not really a place at all, as it is beyond time and space.) Pure consciousness chooses to take countless forms and states. Everything passes; consciousness alone abides. – Andrew

11 thoughts on “What Am Eye?

  1. Blue eyed, gingers. The way their eyes mesmerize, the look of their body hair, I wish I encountered more of them.

  2. The destiny & the journey is written in Source. To return to the place of Origin One must circumvent the Time Lords of this Realm by standing strong in the Temptation of Life in the lower Frequencies & refuse to re-cycle into them……

  3. How beautifully said. I am in total with you. I didn’t ask to be here as I am but my gay inside nags at me all the time. I have accepted it many years ago. I’m okay and I love How I feel. I wish I had a f-buddy.

  4. If you love yourself, and all of us deserve love, then love yourself enough to find the path you need.
    You are worth being loved by you and others.

  5. I love this kind of speculation, which I notice is increasingly widespread nowadays. Regarding the sentence “My soul is from elsewhere…and I intend to end up there”, a wise person once pointed out to me that we have never left “that” place (which is not really a place at all, as it is beyond time and space.) Pure consciousness chooses to take countless forms and states. Everything passes; consciousness alone abides.

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