After pot was legalized in CA, my husband and I fell into a routine of gummies and awesome sex. We’ve been married 30+ years and have always had a good sex life (not super frequent — generally weekly due to my level of drive, his would be higher, but always enjoyable). We ended up trying it and found it to be a really good experience where what might previously had been a 30 minute experience, it now stretches to 4 hours, start to finish. Lots of foreplay, listening to music, some good porn, and at least an hour of good active sex. It’s _definitely_ enhanced our experiences. – Hairy Chest Lover

1 thought on “Gummies 4 Dummies

  1. I agree some cannabis is great on the other note men need other men. A lot of women need less sex but men need more. Which is why we need other men as we have higher levels for sex. Other men can meet the needs of their brothers providing sexual satisfaction for their brothers. Myself I prefer justen and have a great sex life.

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