8 thoughts on “Big Dick Dan

  1. Dicks have gotten even bigger, and probably always were, since Dan’s day. Men have come out, fully, enormously erect , since then. But size doesn’t matter. Dan’s cock is beautiful!

  2. Nova Studios gay porn star, Dan Kennedy. man data: 1970’s, American Men, Nova Studios
    aka: Dan Kennedy, Don Kyler, Don Kyle (Hy Chase)
    PLAYGUY v05 n09, v06 n04
    IN TOUCH #030
    HONCHO Leather Special #01

    HAND FULL! #1
    SOLO #1
    THE BIKE JOCKER NOVA (8mm – NF108)
    THE JOCK (collection) Nebula Video (VHS – NCV1017)

    1. No cant agree,size matters to every man, in sight , in feeling it , in having it. Just ask your partner . Size matters Not to your dick because dicks dont talk about it, but men do

    2. ok, you’re right, but do i have to care about how big my dick is, if he doesn’t, and if dicks of all sizes can enjoy the same pleasures, the same HaPenises, it’s a pointless discussion, just ask all those Greek and Roman statues out there with their tiny dicks, there are entire ethnic groups with minute dicks, what are we talking about anyway? WHY, is the whole erotic-aesthetic that governs our discourse dominated by the issue of SIZE? How about HaPenis runs a week or two of posts showing nothing but small to middle size dicks, let’s just see if we can readjust our aesthetic perspective on this issue of size. Not that I personally don’t love looking at Daddy Dave’s humungous organ! It’s not a question of either or or, in my view, but of: why not both/and?

    3. I think it helps to understand men are like peacocks.
      Show offs. Proud. Comparing. Sizing each other up. Large members exist in incrementally smaller percentages of men so there is novelty as well.
      The peacock with the grandest display. Other men admire this. It isn’t always about sexual attraction but attraction nonetheless. History demonstrates the phallus as something to admire, gaze upon and worship. I believe the Greek statues etc were intentionally created with the tiny penis to not make the penis a focus as the idea of male beauty was different from today. Correct me fellas if this is inaccurate please.
      And there may be a peacock or two that is turned on by the Peacock with the smaller wall of feathers. No different than us men.
      Much love brother.

    4. Can’t agree more. I am proud of my 6 inch, fairly thick cock and enjoy having men watch me masturbate my cock online. At the same time, I can’t help but be jealous of men with bigger cocks, and cannot help but be more turned on by a beautiful big cock than a small one.

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