Hello Seb, I was brought up a catholic and i think that is where i get a lot of my “spiritual” beliefs from. Unlike many i love the “catholic” spirit but as i got older an more significantly as i became more aware of my sexuality my beliefs changed……to cut a long story short……i do like to consider my “spiritual” but not in the theoretical sense. For me spirituality is about connecting the following (which aren’t in any order of priority)

1.  I believe in the power of masculinity. I have lived with women but am gay. For me men only need men to survive. I believe that men are superior in terms of their mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and sexual power.  For me it is these characteristics that define masculinity.
2.  Men gain energy and power when they are with other men. I don’t know if you have noticed but even in a straight pub/bar the atmosphere is very different when it is men only. By themselves even straight men will play act with each other. HOWEVER, when a female enters the room (and it only takes one) the atmosphere is very different.
3.  Where there is TRUST between men there is development. I am a strong believe and very respectful of trust, truth and respect. These three characteristics are the hardest to build yet are the easiest to destroy. Where they exist they enable men to experience fulfilment as it enable men to open their minds and to shine a light on the darkest corners of their mind. I suppose in some ways it makes the impossible possible and enables the perversions to be seen as normal and healthy.
4.  Brotherhood. I believe we can all learn from and support each other. I don’t have any brothers so don’t know what it is like to have a natural brother. However, i appreciate the bonds of support and development that exists between men. I can only fantasise about what that energy is between supportive brothers. I do believe that laws should always be abided by and also believe that where men are consenting and give themselves freely is the best state. I know my beliefs are not mainstream and don’t really fit into any ‘institutionalised’ religion. I have searched and tried a few different religions most of which are Christian. I have recently spoken to a Satanist who did excite and inspire me but i think he was after a wank. I’m not sure if you understand my feelings but I do want to thank you for the opportunity to express them. All the best. – Mark

7 thoughts on “Just Like Jesus

  1. I heartily agree with you Mark in all that you shared here.
    I love the accompanying video of the one guy giving his buddy a helping hand and how he just naturally gives the head a little suck at the end. Handsome bros doing what I believe cumms naturally (if only more men would actually admit it).

  2. The description of Mark’s personal path to a higher level of understanding was inspiring to say the least. He has used his natural belief in spirituality to open his heart and mind to the richness of masculinity, which, in my experience, few men are able to attain. The four essential concepts necessary are:
    -understanding the power of Masculinity
    -the awareness of how men energize each other
    -Trust between men will naturally foster Truth & Respect
    -Brotherhood of all Men
    I note these items, as I believe every man, given the opportunity and right circumstance, would arrive at the same conclusion. These are the concepts that I founded the Brotherhood of Priapic Worship on, back in the 20th Century. It’s so gratifying to read his discovery of this over the span of a lifetime!
    Thank you so much, Mark, for sharing your story with all the men who gather here. You’re an inspiration.

    1. Hello Stanley, I love this as we say in the UK, wanking and singing. Any chance you could make a video for the HaPenis Project. Whats your profile on Bear Forest, in case any of our readers would like to connect with you.

      Masturbation Solo Recreation

  3. God loves all People.
    And God is in everything.
    Head and Arms and Legs and also in the Cock.
    If the Cock is Erect, that’s also a tribute to God and his Love

  4. You may want to trim off the “Bear Forest” opening…. Or not. It’s my internet “Place to meet” of choice. Thank you.

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