I’m of the belief there are too many lonely men out there, who’s only sexual relief is their hand. It’s a personal mission of mine to show as many of them I encounter the beauty of man sex. We can be as intimate and loving, or as rough and tumble as you’d like. I’m a man, built like a man, there’s no games, no fears of pregnancy, just the will of our cocks taking us wherever we want. All I ask is that they leave their cum in me. Because I know some of it will be absorbed into me. The essence of that man, in that moment of time will be installed into my very being. Like an everlasting physical memory. The idea of having hundreds of different men in me over my life thus far is one I cherish. – Alexi
Reading the above post from Alexi rather stunned me. In a good way… a very good way. It was as if he had read my thoughts and written them down. He has stated the exact feelings that overcome me and make me aware that gay sex, in its variety, its beauty, its casual roughness, its secrecy, is truly more than the sum of its parts. That connection between men is a universal declaration of brotherhood and deep affection amongst all men. It is a celebration of our bodies and our spirits. Whether the participants are aware of this or not is up to them. In my most recent post of June 9, 2024, I discussed the Brotherhood of Priapic Worship and the role that fukbois take on when they seek cock in their fukholes. Yes, that’s the bottom’s eternal quest. But there are those bottoms who really have dedicated their lives to taking as much cock as often as possible, to the point where their live to some degree, revolve around taking the next load. I know very few who attain this level of dedication, taking 4, 5, 6 loads a day for weeks at a time. I have counselled and supported those who I know and awarded a couple of these singular men the Coq d’Or, or “Golden Cock Award”. In terms of the broader society, no doubt they would be considered extreme sexual deviants. Perhaps they are, but I cannot judge that and neither can you. And really, when you see the goings on of supposedly responsible adults, public figures, one is apt to give it a rethink in any case. My personal feeling is very much aligned with Brother Alexi. These men serve a vital function for society. They works tirelessly below the radar to provide a necessary outlet for those millions of hard working men everywhere. Men who are increasingly being pushed to the limits of their ability, all for the profit of the Capitalist monster that we have created. Men who have shitty jobs, shitty bosses, shitty working conditions, and go home to shitty spouses, shitty marriages, shitty family life in shitty accommodations. They are legion. Our fukbois are an essential service. May Priapus bless them with long, cock-filled lives! Now, where is that fukboi I was gonna nail! – Leo

I enjoyed reading this conversation as I can relate to Alexi and others. I don’t necessarily want to receive as many men as possible, but a regular, steady number would be great. I am married, to a man, and work so finding the time and place to connect with other men can be challenging. I find joy, and am energized by experiencing the great diversity of men, and penis. I have a couple “regulars” who may not necessarily view our connection in a spiritual way definitely do from a place of respect for another man. Some are straight, some are not. Many are married. I feel this connection is different, and independent from the type of “love” involved in a marriage. Maybe I am justifying, I want to avoid being a hypocrite. But I don’t judge.
For my deepest connections with men, I feel they appreciate and gain similar energy from being inside of me as I do having them inside of me. I am not sure who is providing the “service” as I think it is mutual, beneficial act. I don’t feel like simply a receptacle for their masculinity. We both connect with each other, share energy, and strengthen our connection with our masculinity and the universe. I do “receive” far more than I “give” but I think generally in any act of union with another man, I can play the part necessary at that moment. I particularly enjoy filling each other with energy, and semen.
I think this is great. In a way it’s like sexual triage. Most of the men I’ve encountered will likely return to their heterosexual lives, having tested a curiosity and be done. Some will go on looking for a few more encounters then be done. Others will start to turn to friends and seek out an arrangement, and maybe some will start to seek out relationships with men. It’s all a spectrum, and we need men that want a steady few guys to be intimate with, just like we need men who want to be monogamous with one man.
We live in a society of intense sexual energy but largely repressed sexuality, and fuckbois and masturbators have a serious and important role in absorbing and transforming that sexual energy, whether it be to wrap lips around a married man’s pulsing orgasm or simply gaze at a picture and feel our cock swelling and balls tightening in worship of their sexuality; we live on the stagnant sloppy shores of the lake of modern sex, miraculously transforming murky water into crystals brimming with life. We trust and surrender, and honor, sexuality that has been trampled and ignored, and the semen in turn feeds us.
Hi Alexi,
Interesting perspectives about the sexual role of bottoms for men who have sex with men. I can imagine being a bottom would be an incredible exercise in trust, surrender, and acceptance. Thank you for offering your insights. As a male who has been challenged by my sexuality for some time, the ability to psychosomatically connect to my sexual life force is an ongoing journey with bumps and humps along the way! Sexuality being such a vital part of our being human, it is the work of therapy with a sexological body worker to make my sex fun again, and not a series of kerfuffles. Man-Boy
Reading the above post from Alexi rather stunned me. In a good way… a very good way. It was as if he had read my thoughts and written them down. He has stated the exact feelings that overcome me and make me aware that gay sex, in its variety, its beauty, its casual roughness, its secrecy, is truly more than the sum of its parts. That connection between men is a universal declaration of brotherhood and deep affection amongst all men. It is a celebration of our bodies and our spirits. Whether the participants are aware of this or not is up to them.
In my most recent post of June 9, 2024, I discussed the Brotherhood of Priapic Worship and the role that fukbois take on when they seek cock in their fukholes. Yes, that’s the bottom’s eternal quest. But there are those bottoms who really have dedicated their lives to taking as much cock as often as possible, to the point where their live to some degree, revolve around taking the next load. I know very few who attain this level of dedication, taking 4, 5, 6 loads a day for weeks at a time. I have counselled and supported those who I know and awarded a couple of these singular men the Coq d’Or, or “Golden Cock Award”.
In terms of the broader society, no doubt they would be considered extreme sexual deviants. Perhaps they are, but I cannot judge that and neither can you. And really, when you see the goings on of supposedly responsible adults, public figures, one is apt to give it a rethink in any case.
My personal feeling is very much aligned with Brother Alexi. These men serve a vital function for society. They works tirelessly below the radar to provide a necessary outlet for those millions of hard working men everywhere. Men who are increasingly being pushed to the limits of their ability, all for the profit of the Capitalist monster that we have created. Men who have shitty jobs, shitty bosses, shitty working conditions, and go home to shitty spouses, shitty marriages, shitty family life in shitty accommodations. They are legion.
Our fukbois are an essential service.
May Priapus bless them with long, cock-filled lives! Now, where is that fukboi I was gonna nail!
Hello Leo, Thank you as ever for sharing your incredible KNOBledge. Brother Alexi has been visit the site for about a week. He has written about 100 comments on the gallery part of the website. Each and everyone of his comments has made me smile with joy and HaPenis. I just wanted to capture one of his comments and put it on the MAIN PART OF THE WEBSITE, just so everyone could read about his great passion in life. I had intended to spend a few hours writing a reply of appreciation and encouragement for him, and just as I was rereading this, I received your reply. I think, as ever, god sent you. I love the idea of “Coq d’Or,.I think we should revive it for the HaPenis Project.
Bless You
Thanks for posting my comment, Mr. Cox.
Love the site you got going on here, I wasn’t even looking for it when I came across it. Read a few posts, then my imagination got lost in the galleries of beautiful men.
Le Coq d’Or (the Golden Cock) award for service to all men-
Yes, Seb, I’m working on it! I will personally present the much coveted golden statuette to any fukboi who qualifies!
I think by social standards alone man sex is still in the realm of extreme sexual deviance. From my experience people are cool with homosexuality, so long as it lacks the sexuality. Media is full of what is tetering on being just heterosexual porn and no one bats an eye, but have two men share a kiss and it’s enough to cause boycotts. Regardless, something I learned in my early 20s is to not care about what other people think. Enough people do that and they live miserable lives, and sadly don’t understand why they feel miserable.
Never thought of myself as a fukboi before, but reading into your post, I’d agree with the label. I wish I could take a multiple loads a day, but now living in a small town I’d probably run out of men within a year. Got to keep a mix of regulars and new guys, although having the trophy to say a whole town of men fucked me would be one to hang on the wall.
Since you’re experienced with guys like me, I do have a question for you. Many of the men I’ve been with are married, while I’m happy I got to bring them pleasure in their sexless or otherwise miserable marriages. I cary a level of guilt that I’m knowingly participating in adultery. I’m not particularly big on the concept of marriage, but it still feels like I’m an accomplice to a crime, if that makes any sense. Not enough to screen married men out, but enough I think about it. Any advice here?
Welcome to the club of Catholic Guilt. Or Presbyterian Guilt. Or Jewish Guilt. Or Muslim Guilt. Do you see a pattern here?
It was Karl Marx who said “Religion is the opium of the masses”.
Religion has been weaponized ever since Man’s first belief in a higher power. For thousands of years it has been used to control the masses. Europe was a hot cauldron of diverse ideas about God. Two thousand years of war attests to that.
So, should you feel guilty about servicing a married man? If you want to, fine. Knock yourself out! But it’s your choice to wear guilt like an anchor around your neck. Personally, I much prefer a pearl necklace, but you do you.
I’m not saying it’s an easy transition. It’s taken me most of my adult life to undo the self-loathing and shame that out schizophrenic society insists we accept. But, as time goes by, it does become easier. We have to evolve beyond concepts of deities from ages past. Of course, as an enlightened, 21st Century society, we can comprehend a higher power of some sort. Call it whatever you like -the Living Universe, Gaia, the Eternal Spirit, Howdy Doody, makes no difference. But whatever her name is he’s not gonna shoot down fire and brimstone because you sucked some cock. You’re doing the Lord’s work, fergawdsake.
Thank You Leo
Well said brother. We are not responsible for anyone else’s choices. So, brother Alexi, shed the guilt in favor of HaPenis and the gift and joy of physical contact with other men.
Men need men. That has always been the case from our species’ beginnings. All men are brothers as we are one species. Race never existed. It was made up by evil humans to oppress others.
We are one.
There is nothing more beautiful than a naked man unless it is two naked men making love to each other.
Well said!!!!!