It does not matter one tiny fuckling whether your gay, bi or str8. The only thing that really matters in this life is that your able to stand up, pull your pants down as a celebration of masculinity and shout, very very very loudly, I am a good man, I am a fucking good man. I haven’t got a bad bone in my body i have no malice, no bad ideas. i only want to  do, to say, to be, to radiate, to celebrate all that is me. As good men we must present ourselves and our orgasms to the universe as both sexual and spiritual. At the same time we must remain conscious that our spirituality expands and will one day make contact with the entire universe. While our sexual self is limited, our spiritual capacity is utterly vast. Sexually we reach only a few people, while our feelings and especially our thoughts(spirituality) are capable of reaching all. Connecting our spiritual and sexual thoughts is far more powerful and embraces infinitely more, it is also more subtle and has greater possibilities, allowing us to do dream any dream that we want. One day, however, after numerous incarnations and immense spiritual work, our spiritual will activate our sexual instantaneously.

8 thoughts on “A God Man

  1. Thank you

    Lovely words from a lovely man!

    “a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. ‘ ”

    So as it turns out we who love men are on a straight path while men who claim to be straight are as we all have learned are (to be charitable) confused

  2. Sounds ideal, much enthusiasm was presented. I’ve not yet connected to those ideals, diversions, and delights ~ maybe I will, but I feel unenthused by them. I will return to this post and see what my brain/heart is telling me! Too much enthusiasm sometimes frightens me as in the end there is naught much of anything but hyperbole… I will revisit this tomorrow at some point and see what my feelings about it are. R+A

  3. The guy in the video is such a darling! Beautiful to look at, gentle, with a cock to swoon over, dream of, suck forever! What a sweetheart!

  4. The man in this clip has definitely connected his spiritual and sexual with so much power that he has reached me across the globe and flooded me with the dreams I am wanting…….
    My god He is sublime.

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