17 thoughts on “A Cruel God

  1. In New Zealand / and much of Australia, circumcision became almost universal as part of the state-based healthcare that these wealthy countries offered their citizens, especially following the First World War where our troops fought in British wars in Palestine and other arid countries. It was considered cleaner and they mistakenly thought STIs would reduce, coz apparently our nice boys were, to the surprise of all back home, apparently quite fond of dirty foreign hookers. So almost all were “done” at birth right up until the late 1970s/80s when people started to question the practice. Short of a few dads who didn’t want their sons to be “different” from dad, the practice rapidly disappeared. So the two countries are unique in mostly eradicating the practice. A 20th century story of faith in the “experts” and a compliant and trusting conformist society. All the blokes my age are done. Only immigrants from Europe are not. I remember seeing my first frilly lizard at the “bootsplasher” in Primary school. One boy, newly arrived from England with his funny accent and ugly doodle muscled in elbowing for limited space at the boys’ toilet. So normal did I think my cut dick, that I couldn’t in my wildest imagination think that I was the adulterated one, and much later in life a Girlfriend in London casually told me I was circumcised. I was stunned. I’d never thought I was anything other than “normal”. So then I discovered the world of Roundheads and Cavaliers. So now, all the the young fellas in NZ and Aust are not…. You’re welcum to ask me how I know this. Research. Thorough trial and personal experience. The exception is NZ Māori who had a cultural practice of never circumcising, which is odd because the Pacific Island nations from whence their ancestors came around 800 years ago all circumcise as a rite of passage for men of around 12-13. In the Pacific it is near universal as a cultural practice. Believe me, I have done a fair bit of research in this matter. I’ll keep up my thorough survey and report back on the results.

    1. Hah, I came to comment and BoB has already cum……. We agree. I would say though that I know a guy who did elect to be circumcised, there were no problems with having the foreskin medically, he says he really prefers the look of a circumcised penis…… boy does his look good too, he has the thickest cock with the largest glans I have ever seen! So in his case it’s just bloody effective advertising LOL. We lay naked on the beach and he told me it was fine getting cut……. They use anaesthetics and do not do it barbarically with scissors as depicted – that’s an artistic statement which is meant to provoke thought. My convertee friend also says there is no significant difference having the skin or not, as my reality has been as for BoB, we are the normal ones and I do not want to take on the stigma of being “barbarically mutilated”. They are very strong words and I love ❤️ my penis, and realistically it is the only one I’m going to have. Let’s face it, we all look the same when hard and the glans is exposed and begging for pleasure.

  2. I was born right after the war (WWII) In those days, circumcision was standard procedure. Since that time, there has been a gradual but steady move away from the practice. I have five children born through the 70’s and 80’s. Our first was born in a hospital where we had to almost provide a court order to allow us the freedom to decide for our own child in regard to circumcision. Subsequent children were born in the quiet, calm atmosphere of our home, under the care and guidance of a qualified midwife, as well as a doula, trained in the appropriate skills. We worked to avoid the “birth as illness” approach that the medical establishment insists on retaining, so all our children were born at home, safe and healthy, under the supervision of professionals in that field. Nothing was done to injure our babies, so all three of our sons have reached maturity intact. But it required us to divorce ourselves from the medical system, “at our peril”.

  3. Yes it is cruel, yes it is unnecessary. And there is a much larger issue which we keep bumping into in one post after another. Despite the “dominance” that men are supposed to possess, are hated for supposedly having, with their penises, erect or flaccid, cut or normal, men are curiously impotent. Our cocks are not sticking out their in everyone’s pretty face. We need women to procreate with. On X, if we are naked and show our penises, we are labelled “Adult Content,” whereas tits and pussies are in full view everywhere on that puerile, inane, sadistic service. Forget being naked on the beach of your choice. The crucial importance of male bonding is forgotten once the war has been won or lost. And just about everything going wrong with the world today is our fault, despite the fact that the vast majority of our most brilliant scientists, writers, artists, musicians, etc. etc. are men. Being circumcised isn’t my fault. And there’s no fault involved in wanting to put my tongue under the foreskin of a beautiful guy and suck his pre-cum and make him swell up and eventually cum, possibly inside me, or vice versa, even if I am married to a woman. Who cares? Being a man, cut or not, is a fucking good thing.

  4. I am uncut and so damned grateful that I still have my wonderful foreskin. Grateful my parents were not Jewish !
    Whenever I see posts from guys saying they only love cut cocks, I go into overdrive to tell them what they are missing, more sensual pleasure and a protected, responsive gland penis. I end up in so many arguments but there appears to be a movement against cutting ,growing. It needs more vocal airing.
    As for religious laws, these are made by ignorant men who just want to control the masses. Religion is man-made not some holy happening.

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