A circle jerk is a sexual practice in which a group of men form a circle and masturbate themselves or each other. Circle jerks often feature a competitive element, with the “winner” being the participant able to ejaculate first, last, or farthest depending on the “house” rules. Peter Francis Murphy in his book Studs, tools, and the family jewels: writes that that circle jerks transform jerking off into a sport with prizes for the bloke who ejaculates first, or last. Competition doesn’t end there. The bloke with the largest penis wins a prize too. Writing in his book On My Honor: Boy Scouts and the Making of American Youth, Jay Mechling suggests that the circle jerk confirms heterosexual orientation of the participants. As homoerotic as this play is, it also bears the same metamessage as other nude play. “We can play like this because we do not see each other as sexual objects”. The blokes put a biscuit in the circle and the last man to ejaculate on the biscuit gets to eat the prize.

4 thoughts on “A Circle Jerk

  1. I’m interested in the comment “we can play like this because we do not see each other as sexual objects”. I think what is implied is that heterosexual men do not see other men as objects of sexual desire. I can buy that. But it is hard (pun intended) to see a group of men masturbating together and not see yourself or the other men as sexual objects! It is clear from this site and others that many men who do not identify as gay enjoy looking at other men’s cocks and watching other men masturbate. And at least for me it is the blatant display of male sexuality that I find so intensely erotic!

    1. Well, in my teen (and tween) years, it was all about the competition. If you could cum, you were light-years ahead of the boys who couldn’t, and if your cum was white and not clear, you were farther still. But beyond that, it was a matter of who was bigger, who could cum fastest or shoot farthest or cum slowest with another guy handling you.

      So, circle jerks were all about competition. Because I lived in the country, we also swam and wrestled nude (when it was just guys).

      College was interesting. On the one hand, there were fewer guys to play with. On the other, I had access to porn. Straight porn, mind, but porn. Here, the circle jerk was a matter of convenience; there were four of us in one room, all of us needing relief, and it was more convenient and less awkward than the bathroom.

  2. Imagining so many cocks hard at the same time, and in the same place, is both erotic and intimidating at the same time! The thought will most likely enter my dreams now!

  3. I want to be laying on my back with 6, 8 guys around me doing a circle jerk. Cum and piss on me, and let me suck you.

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