5 thoughts on “A Desperate Need

  1. Dear Thom,
    I don’t presume to give you advice, just to make a comment or two from my own experience. I’ve been desperate to connect with my “true love” whom I met when I was 14 and with whom I never had naked, full-on sex. I’m 79 and I still haven’t found “Him.” What I have found, since I started having sex with all kinds of men in my early fifties, here and there around the world, in hour-long encounters, or sometimes relationships lasting years, are moments of physical and spiritual “connection,” through a wonderful kiss, through running my fingers through the hair on a beautiful chest, through the sight and taste of a swollen cock, through the smell of a a furry scrotum, through the nectar of a delicious, wet arsehole, through an orgasm inside a willing man, through a prostate orgasm of my own with a man with a small penis who thought he couldn’t get an erection and fuck me. My sense is that your quest for THE “quality person” you desire may be making it difficult for you to experience the wonderful sex that even men without obvious qualities that appeal to you can offer. Take a risk on being disappointed with men that you meet online. Just about all of the hundreds (I can’t claim with Edmund White to have had sex with thousands, I can only wish!) of men I have had sex with have been desperate, like me and you, for sexual affection. My guess would be, if you take some risks, not only will get what you need, you might even meet the quality person you long to connect with. Again, I don’t presume to advise you! My own experience is that the “God” you seek is out there, waiting for you. Just keep looking for Him.

    And in the meantime, I can strongly recommend the Lovense Edge 2 if you want to have a great, I mean an unforgettable, prostate orgasm!

    1. AJ such a kind and true comment you’ve written for Thom. As a 65 year Dutch man I can only agree.
      Splitting up some years ago, I’ve been in a gay “marriage” for nearly 32 years enjoying other men from time to time without secrets towards my partner. As I prefer long term Friends I don’t have had that many men in total and I will underline what AJ is explaining: don’t search for The One only as most men are kind and worthwhile. I’ve had only few (very) bad expierences. During my journey meeting other men I learned a lot about myself which made me a better person.
      Never had the pleasure to experience the Lovense Edge 2 and I guess that has to change :-))

  2. Hi man,

    Top here and totally in the same boat. I had a ten year great buddy friendship which ended 3 years ago and have been high and dry ever since. In the eastern US here.


  3. Thomas

    You don’t say where you are based; I’m a 50 yr old cock sucking top and would talk, chat and make love as you wanted.


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